Chapter 13: Do I love him?

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I was watching tv and couldn't help but think of what Talia said to me. Did I really love him or was I so starstruck by the kiss I think I do? I have no idea.

~Corbin's point of view~

I walked home thinking of me and Danyel's first kiss. I've always liked her as more then a friend. I honestly didn't know how to tell her that. I'm just glad she told me how she felt. She is so perfect. Everything about her I love. I love how she gets so shy around me even though she's known me for ages. I love how she laughs, smiles and talks. Maybe I love her? I don't know. But I have to figure it out before I tell her. I have to plan the perfect date. I walked in the door to see my mom and dad watching tv.

"Hey, where did you go?" my mom asked.

"Oh, I just went to see Danyel."

"Sweet girl." My dad said.

"Yeah, she is." I replied.

"I was wondering, what's a good place to take a girl?"

"Well, maybe a movie or out to a restaurant."

"Good idea."

"Why son?" My dad asked.

"Well, I have a date with Danyel."

"Really? Awe my son is growing up." My mom said.

"Perfect girl to go out with."

"Thanks guys."

"Your welcome sweetie." My mom said.

"Make sure you don't mess up."

"I won't." I said going upstairs.

I laid down on my bed still thinking of Danyel. I really don't want to mess this up. I wanted to text her but I didn't want to bother her. I decided to watch a movie. After the movie I'll text her.

~Danyel's point of view~

I know Corbin just left but I was hoping he'd text me. I wanted to text him but I didn't want to bother him. He was probably busy. I wanted to kiss him again so bad. Honestly, if I seen him right now I would kiss him without any hesitation. He has that affect on me. I wonder what he's doing. I guess I must have dozed off because when I woke up it was almost 8. I looked at my phone and jumped up because I had a text from Corbin. I smiled and read it.

Hey Beautiful :)

He called me beautiful. My heart stopped so I texted back,

Hey handsome.

How are you?

I'm fine. You?

Good. I was thinking about you.

Really? What about me?

What we should do for our first date.

What you have in mind?

I'm going to call you.


"Hello?" I answered



"So, I was thinking we could go out to dinner to Texas road house and see a movie afterwards."

"Sounded perfect."


"Yes. I know I just seen you but I miss you already."

"I miss you too. Can I come over tonight?"

"Yeah, Talia will be here too."

"Cool, I'll invite my friend Coby and we can all hang out."

"Sounds fun. I can't wait."

"Same. I want to kiss you again."

"Stop that."


"Making me nervous."

"I can't help that."

"Sure. But me too."

"Me too what?"

"I want to kiss you again too."

"Well, I know what I'm gonna do tonight then," Corbin said with a giggle.

"Shut up."


"Fine then."

"You are so cute when you get mad."


"Come on, don't be mad at me."

"I'm not. You are to cute to be mad at."

"Good to know."

"Yeah. So Talia is here so you should come on over."

"Okay, I'm going to walk to my friend's house and we'll be there. Bye"


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