9. BIG BANG & BLOCK B: G-Dragon and Zico

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Scene: Hannessa is stuck in a tragic love triangle, torn between two awfully handsome guys with unbelievably dashing personalities. Will she choose her long term best friend Ji Ho or the new person who entered her life, Ji Yong?

                                                                        G- DRAGON VS. ZICO

Hannessa walks to the front door of her house to find Ji Ho and Ji Yong talking to each other. From far, it looked as if they were having a normal conversation but up close, you can see the anger in their eyes.

"I'm not willing to give her up just because some new guy entered her life. I've been here longer than you and I'm not letting you take Hannessa away from me", Hannessa heard Ji Ho speak firmly with his face turning tense.

"Then I'll just have to make her love me more than she loves you. There's no chance I'm leaving her to you either", Ji Yong retorted calmly and turned his head to see Hannessa.

"Guys, please stop. I don't like it when you guys argue...", Hannessa spoke helplessly. She really hated it when they fought over her. It made her feel uncomfortable to be in that little triangle of love.

Hannessa needed some time to sort things out so she went into her house. Ji Yong tried to go after her, but Ji Ho stopped him because he knew Hannessa wanted to be alone at the moment.

Hannessa walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water and saw her brother there.

"Welcome home sis! I brought some sushi for you to eat for dinner. It's your favorite", Seungri said as he walked toward Hannessa. Her sunken eyes made Seungri question what was wrong with his dear little sister.

"Hey sis, what's wrong? You haven't been like yourself these days. Come on, tell your oppa everything", he said as he took a seat next to Hannessa.

"Well...I'm just kind of in a really crappy situation, oppa. It seems like these two guys like me and they're kind of fighting over me now and I really don't like it when they do that. I mean, Ji Ho and Ji Yong oppa were so close before and now because of me, they're not acting like themselves at all. What would you do in this situation?", Hannessa said, starting to sob at the thought of ruining Ji Ho and Ji Yong's friendship.

A moment of silence passed until Seungri finally spoke, "well sis, all I can tell you is to just go with what your heart tells you. I'm sure both of the guys would understand your feelings and respect them if they truly love you. It's meant to be that way".


So, who will Hannessa choose?

Her best friend Ji Ho who has been by Hannessa's side through thick and thin? The one that best understands her inside and out?

Or will she choose Ji Yong, the dependable, fabulously handsome guy who just recently rolled into her life? The one that attracts Hannessa with his lovely personality and charms?


Hannessa walks into her room and lays down on her bed, She closes her eyes and an image of Ji Ho comes up in her mind.

"That's it...I know now", she says.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2014 ⏰

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