5. B.A.P: Zelo

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Scene: Niya (you) and Zelo have been good friends ever since pre-school. But, by middle school, Junhong had to move to another country because of his father's job. Him and his family left the country before Niya could even bid them farewell. Ever since that day, Niya regretted not going after Junhong and still longs to see his face just one more time.


Niya slips her running shoes on and walks outside to go for a jog. She turns up the volume of her music and starts jogging along her usual tracks during her evening runs. She is about to turn around at the corner of the block and she runs into a boy. He was stunning, with the moonlight shining on his beautifully sculptured face. Niya lost her senses and didn't realize how long she had been staring at the boy.

"I'm sorry, miss. Are you all right?", the boy asks as he helps Niya get back on her feet. Niya looks deeply into the boy's eyes. Somehow, he seemed familiar. 

"Hello?", he asks again as he waves his hand in front of Niya's face. Niya snaps back into reality and nod her head in reply.

The boy hands Niya a broken phone, more specifically her phone that fell when they bumped into each other, "well it looks like I kind of broke your phone. I'm really sorry. I'll take it to the repair shop and fix it", he says. 

He continues, "so uhm...I'm Junhong. Choi Junhong. Can I have your number so I can give you your phone when it's fixed?".

Niya stands blankly in shock. "Junhong? Choi Junhong? Is that really you?", she asks as she gets closer to him.

Junhong slowly nods and gives Niya a questioning look in confusion.

"It's me! Niya! Your childhood best friend! Remember, you had to move because of your dad? And how...how I couldn't even visit you on the last...day...", Niya tells Junhong as she slowly breaks down with overwhelming tears.

Junhong remains calm and pulls Niya into a hug. "I remember you, Niya. And I've missed you ever since. Don't cry...you'll make me sad. Don't ruin that pretty face of yours", he whispers softly as he gently looks into Niya's eyes.

Their eyes were now locked with each other, both remembering the good times they had back in the days.

"Niya, I never got a chance to tell you before I left. There wasn't a day were I didn't think of you. I always regretted not visiting you on the day that I left. I always wanted to tell you...that I've always liked you. Even though we were kids and a long time passed since then, I'm still sure of my feelings towards you. Now that we're back together, I won't let us be apart ever again", he continued as his hug got tighter.

Niya was too overwhelmed and shocked to reply. Everything in the world slowed down and she could only hear Junhong's heart beat steadily against her ears.

"I'll never leave you again", Junhong said quietly.


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