Chapter 8: Time

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Al awoke in his room again, this place was the same one he had woken up in. "Oh, my head." He touched it and sighed sitting up slowly. He felt the weight as he had before and saw the sickly cat that loved to lay on him while he slept. "You're here again?" He petted her and she purred softly. Her age seen through her tired movements.

Looking around, Al sighed and stayed there not bothering to get up and explore. It was a quiet morning, the curtains were closed, the balcony door too, yet he could hear the birds chirping outside. The wind's gentle howl.

"I don't even know what's going on in my own head anymore." Shifting his eyes to the old girl who enjoyed his pets, he smiled, "I want to remember them, but how? None of this is making sense. It's like Wonderland is trying to keep me from remembering-"

"Al, good morning." The door opened after a knock and he turned his attention seeing Dr. Stein.

"Oh, good morning Doctor." He greeted him like usual.

Like usual?

A sharp pain made Al narrow his eyes touching his head.

"Goodness, that poor girl still sleeps with you?" He chuckled coming over bringing a chair.

"Yes, she won't ever leave me alone." He smiled liking the thought she never left his side. "Why are you here Doctor?"

"Have you forgotten our sessions already?" He laughed, "We have sessions every morning."

"Hm, I did.. forget." He admitted,

"Well, that is progress then."

"Progress? Forgetting?"

"Yes, that is what you must do to get better." He nodded, "Now then, tell me young Al, what did you dream of last night?"

"Last night?" He thought of it vaguely remembering his nightmare. "It was a mess." He was honest, "Wonderland isn't what it was before, there's so much blood and killing." He petted the soft cat and sighed, "I hurt so many people."

"Yes, interesting." The doctor got out a journel and wrote some things down in it. "Alright, let's start with some breathing exercises then, shall we?"

"I suppose." Al didn't object as he was the doctor with the degree.

"Alright, let's breath in." He inhaled, Al did too, "And out," they exhaled, "in." Inhaled, "Out." Exhaled. "Very good, how do you feel?"

"Light headed." Al didn't feel any different, "Is this really necessary?"

"Yes." Dr. Stein said, "Now, lay back and close your eyes." Al did as he was told. "Alright, now think of Wonderland, Al."

"Wonderland?" He tried to,

"A good place, tell me, what do you see?"

"I see.." a tea party, he could see the table dressed with a fancy cloth, set with a tea set for two. "Oh, it's a tea party." He smiled liking it, "Mr. Hare is here." the Hare held up the tea up, his quirky movements made for a good show,

"Welcome Al! It's been so long!"

"How do you do, Mr. Hare? It has been a long time." Al could see the clear sky, they were on a large lilypad having a nice tea party, but something suddenly felt off.


The Hare began to twitch in a strange manner, "Mr. Hare? Are you alright?"

"Running... out of... time Al.."

It appeared that the Hare was being strangled, its eyes popped splattering blood on Al who was surprised by it, "No-what's going on? Mr. Hare!"

"Out.. ti..."

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