Chapter 19: Being

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Staring at him were the diferent eyes. Al was cautious, standing away from him, keeping distance between them. The Cheshire in question didn't speak, but rather smiled concerned.

"Have I..." Al flinched startled by him suddenly talking, "done something?" He noticed and narrowed his eyes.

"N-no." Al averted his eyes hiding his face behind a book. They stood in the library of the mansion, this much he could understand, having come here, he searched for answers only to be caught by this handsome Cheshire. "He found me.. how did he know I would be here?"

"Did you.. hurt yourself somehow?"

"N-no.." Al stepped back as he stepped forward.

He sighed worriedly, "Al-"

"The doctor has arrived," a maid bowed, "ah." She saw them and asked, "Shall I tell him to wait a moment?"

"...." the Cheshire frowned and said, "No. I was just leaving." He said and turned to leave, but Al went right to him grabbing his hand without understanding why he did so himself.

"Ah-" he realized and quickly let go, "Wh-why did I just-!" The Cheshire in question sighed and looked at the maid.

"Send him away. He's done more damage than necessary."

"Of course." She bowed and left.

Then he looked back at Al who quickly tried to run but he was captured, "Al."

"Sorry I-I didn't mean to suddenly-" he couldn't look him in the eyes suddenly feeling embarrassed. "That stupid-why did I have to see that damn illusion?! Now I can't even face him!" Al hated thinking about his last encounter in the realms but he knew he had to make sense of the puzzles somehow.

The pocket watch in his pocket ticked, he could hear it. The clock on the wall too, a reminder, time waited for no one.

"His name, do I have to figure out his name? Should I just ask? But the other one didn't even tell me. Will this one?" Still unable to look at him, he was swayed being taken to the couch and sat down as he heard the door open.

"Al-" Just as this Cheshire was to comfort him, Dr. Stein entered without warning,

"Ah, but of course the cause is here!"

Al stared at him, confused, unsure as to if this man was the same as before. Regardless, what he said made him all the more curious. "The cause?"

"I will ensure you understand, I work not for you but for his mother-"

"My.. mother?" Al's eyes slightly widened in wonder and a slight pain ailed his mind as a faint a vague memory, popped in his head.

He recalled a woman he had seen before, a beautiful one, he remembered a hospital, a room. Nothing more.

"Ah!" The Cheshire grinned, it wasn't one Al expected to see, nearly ear to ear, "Excuse me good doctor, but I clearly recall the Mrs. gave me more authority over this than you." He clearly said standing between him and Al who stood as the doctor came over. "He doesn't need your help today. With all due respect, go home, doctor."

Al wondered now, "What.. what's going on here? Why is he so upset?"

He could see the doctor wasn't pleased, but put on a forced smile saying, "Of course, whatever may help him get better."

"Hm." There was tension, Al could feel it. Yet, it dispersed as the doctor left. The maid hurriedly went to report the scene having followed the doctor.

The Cheshire in question looked back at Al who frowned. "I-I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault Al." He smiled lifting his chin. Al finally looked at him, his eyes, his hair. "Are you alright?" Cheshire asked, "Your face is red, are you sick? You're feverish-"

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