Chapter 18: One More Kiss

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Al held the keys staring at the Cheshire in question before him. He watched as the guy was calm, he scratched the back of his head seeming somewhat embarrassed Al stared so much. "What?" He asked and Al realized he gawked.

"O-oh." He looked down at the keys. "I'm sorry, you.."

"Look like someone you know?" He asked, lowering his arm to his side.

"... Yes.." Al was back to staring. He shook the insane thoughts out of his head, "Um, your name. What is it?" Al asked curiously. "He's not.. Cheshire?" He saw the guy looking up and around, did he not know his own name?

"I feel like I shouldn't tell you." He tilted his head crossing his arms. He crossed his legs like a pretzel as he floated slightly.

"....Then.. what do I call you?"

"Hmm, good question." The guy floated upside down now. The tail sway playfully and Al took a step back as he landed on the floor standing again. "I really like Cheshire, the cat from Alice in Wonderland. Do you know it?" He asked and Al slowly nodded. "I love that story, call me Cheshire." He smiled. "I've always had a crush on Alice." He chuckled.

Hearing that, Al's heart sank. For some reason it made his chest tighten. He held the keys tighter. His mind raced with questions as his heart beat softly from his feet. "... Who doesn't?" Al lowered his face with a saddened smile. "How did you get in here?" Al changed the subject hurting from those words playing in his head.

Alice, tick

Alice, tock

Alice, tick-

"I was already here." The loud ringing in Al's head stopped. "You came in some time ago and dropped the keys." Cheshire looked at the door, "I thought they could open it, so I held onto them."

"You stole them?" Al knew the truth seeing Cheshire flinched caught red handed.

"Er-uh-I don't know what you're saying. I found them!" He said quickly.

Al smiled again, "It's alright. You returned them." He went to the door and fiddled with the keys trying each one but to no avail. None opened the door he wanted.

"Haaa, none." Cheshire was annoyed.

"Hm.." Al looked around some more. "There must be something. The keys must go somewhere." He sighed. Staring at them he remembered his deck of cards. Could a memory serve him well at that moment? He narrowed his eyes, putting them away. There was no trusting this new Cheshire although he looked and acted like him. Al didn't light up on the fact he stole the keys.

He shuffled through his endless pockets looking for something. "What could there be?" He wondered and felt something. He pulled out a small bottle of green liquid that said drink me. Where did he get that, and the keys as well? He couldn't remember.




"Hey." Al turned to Cheshire, hearing him speak. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Oh, right. You don't know." He realized it and then smiled. "My name is Al."

"Al? Is it short for something?" He asked, yawning.

"Yes, but I don't usually go by it."

"What is it?" He only grew more curious. Al blinked, staring unsure if he should answer. "Are there bad memories behind it?" Cheshire asked. It was then that Al realized. Why did he not go by his full name? Why did he forget he even had a full name?

Al in Wonderland: You've Gone MadTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon