Chapter 31: Sea

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The world was quiet.

Al glanced around finding himself in a fantastical Wonderland with beautiful lights and stars in an ever night sky. Ice glaciers everywhere, and it was quite cold. Getting up he touched his chest, everything felt fine. Nothing much changed.

He still had the knife and cards, the pocket watch and keys too. None of the keys worked, the watch ceased to function and the cards didn't glow anymore.


The waves crashed below. Al ran along the icy cold terrain following the narrow path closely chased by several Ruens who roared behind. With too many to count he hurried only to be cornered.

Backed against a tall icy wall he couldn't find a way out. A colossal Ruen emerged from the bunch and came crashing down waking Al from his nightmare.

"Ah?!" He gasped sitting up, heart racing, pounding in his chest from the fright. Stella was spooked, but calmed as he sighed throwing himself back. Cold sweat, the night was dark. He couldn't find sleep now, too conscious, confused, and having mixed feelings about several things.

Al closed his eyes trying to rest, but it didn't help, it all ended the same. The monsters too many, the waves, the raging sea. He couldn't find anywhere to go but down and his growing fear of the dark water only grew and grew.

Gasping awake again, this time his eyes filled with tears. He felt as if he was drowning, the heaviness. The burden. The pressure below the surface. Al groaned turning over on his side curling up only to hide. The blanket warded off the monsters, but it didn't keep them away for long. Getting up wiping his tears he picked up Stella who purred from the attention.

Petting her he left his room quietly and peered out the door. The halls were dark, too dark. What little light he could use to see was only from the large windows at the ends where the moonlight came through.

Quietly he made his way right, toward the foyer, but continuing to the other side. Al glanced around, only a few maids and butlers walked around finishing up their work to sleep later. He tiptoed across and to a door he came to know was familiar. Opening it quietly he peeked, the room was dark too, the curtains kept the light out.

Al walked in, Stella purring quietly. To the bed after closing the door he didn't see Chester and narrowed his eyes but never wondered anymore. Regardless of where he was, or with who. Just being in that room made it much better.

Quiet as he tucked himself in, laying Stella where she liked. Al turned over curling up and sighed. "Why... are there only nightmares now?" Peace as he lay there, but that too didn't last. Hiding under the blanket, he could feel them pulling and grabbing his hands. His ankles and feet, almost dragged, but he kept himself curled up wondering if the silence would ever end.

Coming down the hall, Chester sighed exhausted. He was ready for bed, having late night work to finish. Into his room he didn't have to do much to notice the lump on his bed making him smile feeling much better already.

Going over he pulled the blanket revealing a quiet Al who quietly petted Stella who had crawled under the covers with him for comfort. Al sniffled looking at him, now worried he asked, "What happened?" Chester asked sitting in the bed beside him as he sat up.

Al shook his head not wanting to say, the disturbing nightmares were on replay in his head, and all he wanted was to forget them.

"Is it Wonderland?" He asked lifting Al's chin, but he wouldn't look at him. Al was so cold, but soon warmed with him there. He nodded covering his face now curling up again.

Al whispered as though someone listened, "S-something's wrong." He sniffled, "I can't do it.... there's too many all of a sudden."

".. I'm sorry Al, it's going to be okay." He hoped the comfort he brought was enough, but it wasn't. "Could it be something related to the here and now?"

Al in Wonderland: You've Gone MadМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя