Chapter 20: Circles

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Slicing clean through, Al caught himself on a branch and used it to swing himself onto his next target. A Ruen that appeared from the shadows. He cut straight into the mask ripping it right down the middle.

"Haa.." landing on his feet he sighed squatting down. Out of breath he closed his eyes a moment thinking. "Cassie.." his next stop on the list of names he could recall. "Lestia should be there too, right?" He asked no one and no one answered.

After a short break he stood cleaning himself. Then looked over seeing the cat, tail swaying side to side, side to side. "Wretched boy."

Al stared, but smiled shortly after, "Am I so wretched?" Putting the knife away he walked on, "Are you here to pester me, or give me wise directions?"

"Wise directions for a bath, boy. You're filthy."

"You're one to talk, you're in need of one too."

The cat led him, "Felines need no bath as we self groom."

"Uh, please don't give me a demonstration. Anything but that."

"Hmph. Be well boy, always keep your wits about you. This Wonderland is unforgiving."

"I don't need you to tell me that."

The cat was gone, Al was led to a pond running off a waterfall. It looked crystal clear and cozy, but he knew getting in meant it would be cold.

"I should take the opportunity... but it's freezing." Dipping his fingers in the cold water he shivered, "Do I have to?"

After a long and hard decision making process, he decided to leave it. Another opportunity would present itself. He was now left in this strange world filled with different things.

"Since that.... illusion? I've been having this ache..." Al stepped through some shrubs, under low branchs amused by the changing leaves. "My chest gets tight and it hurts so much... Cheshire..." Their colors were once red, but now turned orange and some even yellow. "The cat comes by every now and then, I can't believe.. I was able to see Cheshire again." He smiled to himself and went on, then thinking, "However, it seems in the form he takes here, he can't remember being in the other illusionary realm."

Coming out of the forest at last he sighed wiping the sweat from his brow tired. The sun was already setting, he would need shelter and food soon. Walking out into the open field he decided for another break and sat down taking one.

The stars above were faded, but cleared as the sun slowly moved toward the horizon. The moon appeared, a crescent being too coincidental. Al lay back on the grass and closed his eyes.

"I've managed to learn... I transfer-perahps my being as an entirety or just my soul-from place to place when I achieve my goal, so this time it's Cassie and Lestia." Al turned over on his side thinking, "Once I give them their cards, will Cheshire and I go back to the other realm?"


Al flinched startled and opened his eyes to see who lay beside him. "Ch-Cheshire?!" Al sat up, "You-" before he showered him in questions, he frowned narrowing his eyes, "Are you... alright?"

"Never better." Cheshire smiled, his diferent eyes the same as before. His hair too and his smile too. "Is there something I've missed?" He touched the cat ears on his head and Al noticed the tail sway behind Cheshire as he was laying on his side facing Al. "Do I look strange?"

He stared then smiled, "You're perfect to me."

Cheshire stared, and chuckled, "... That makes me happy."

Al in Wonderland: You've Gone MadWhere stories live. Discover now