Chapter 4: Will

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Al slashed the disgustingly putrid creature. The faces of baby dolls on its tar bodies. The being charged at him full force, their black blood ooze from the deep slices. Creeping up behind him one went for the kill but a long slender spider leg stabbed through one of the baby doll masks, two other legs pierced the other two masks on its body and the creature melted into a black puddle soon fading away.

Arcnia lowered herself to Al who sighed holding the knife tightly. To her surprise he turned suddenly holding the knife to her. She didn't move, rather watched him for a moment until he dropped the knife falling unconscious into her arms. She lowered herself to the ground and weaved a cocoon around them with the silk from her spider legs.

Al was quick to stir regaining consciousness, but before he could sit up after opening his eyes, she held him at the point of one of her legs so he would stay still.

"What are you doing to me?"

"The darkness is consuming you, Al." She warned. "You must rest."

"I have no time to." He was firm on his decision, "I've been roaming this distorted land for what seems to be ages, I want to go home. I want to rest. I want..." his eyes teared up, she watched their bright lime color turn gold and they became glossy, "I want to see Cheshire."

"Cheshire?" Arcnia blinked, "The Cheshire Cat?"

"Mm, hic.. he's my friend, I just want to see him."

"Little one, the cat plays tricks. He has no friends."

"He.. what?" It was strange hearing something like that, Al stared at her as her leg seemed to grab a black string from him and purify it with a golden web it weaved. "Cheshire has friends.."

"Little one, the cat has not been seen in years."

"What do you mean? Years?"

"... I will take you to the one who can better explain. She is a spirit of the forest. She knows all that happens in these woods." She released him from her hold after letting the strange string disappear inside him.

"You.. you'll take me?" He was able to sit up feeling a bit better.

"Yes, it is not a far journey as long as we wish to meet her with honesty."

"I don't understand."

"We do not find her. She finds us." Arcnia raised herself off the ground and looked around. "She is not far. I can sense her." 

"Th-then we should go." Al stood feeling a bit dizzy but hurried to go. "If she can tell me where he is.. Butterfly.." he frowned. "He had already passed by the time I got back." Holding himself he sighed walking slowly in the direction Arcnia pointed to. "Arcnia was able to weave him a coffin like he wanted, he's resting now.." Al pulled a card from his pocket, two now. Staring at them he sighed.

The one with the lock still didn't give him any hints as to what it was. The second card was of Butterfly, a water paint portrait of him when he was stronger, younger. Happier.

The card had symbols of butterflies on the corner, instead of a diamond, heart, clover, or spade. They were butterflies. Looking back at the key lock card, he saw it had keys on the corners, symbols.

Now curious, he got out the keys from his pocket and looked at them. They were strangely shaped, different than each other, but none seemed to fit the lock he wanted to open.

Onward, he put the cards and keys away looking around at the trees hearing more unwelcome guests lurked by. Cautiously they made their way through the thick, lush forest. Strange ruins he didn't recognize. Strange landmarks that weren't there before.

Al in Wonderland: You've Gone MadWhere stories live. Discover now