A letter

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When Bailey came back she held a couple picture frames. I smiled at her, but gave her a confused look.

"Need more frames?" I ask her, she shook her head and handed them over to me. I gave her a confused look.

"What's this?"

"They're for you, he's your son too, and I don't think you have any pictures to hang of him in your apartment." She shrugged and walked over to Clayton and Ottis.

"What the envelope for?" She smiled.

"Read it later, I don't think you want to read such an emotional thing and probably cry in front of us all." I scoffed.

"Okay, I'll read it later. But I won't cry, who do you take me for?" She laughed.

"A little bitch." I scoffed and slid my sneakers on.

"I'll see you in a couple days, Buddy." I tell Ottis and he hugs me.

"Bye daddy, I love you." I kiss his head.

"I love you too buddy." Then I walk out.

I get to my car and I look at all the pictures. I was once again, drawn into a stupor looking at them.

I missed so much, I don't deserve this. I left when she needed me most, I don't deserve them now.

I took the letter and opened it. I pictured Baileys voice saying all those things to me. She forgives me. She shouldn't but she did. I place the pictures on the passenger seat and pull out my phone.

"Bailey?" I say when she answered.

"That's me." She said.

"You forgive me? Why?"

"Ugh Sam, I can't change the past. If I could, then you would've been there through it all changing his dirty diapers at two in the morning. I can't dwell on the past forever. I've moved on, and I hope you do too. We both deserve a fresh start. I'm willing to start that." She tells me, a smile grown on my face.

"Okay, when can I start taking him on weekends?"

"Don't push it. I still need to come to check out your apartment to make sure it's safe and suitable for a five year old. Then you'll need to set up a sleeping space for him. Learn to make him food, bathe him and all that jazz. In due time Sam. Someday, but probably not someday soon." She tells me.

"Thought I'd try. Wanna come over this weekend then?"

"Ugh Sam! I'd like a weekend in for once. But I guess I'll come over Saturday with Ottis and see what he thinks of the place. Then I'll help you arrange anything that needs arranging. I gotta go now Sam. Have a good night." She tells me before hanging up.

"What a relief." I mumbled and started my car, I pulled out of the parking lot and drove home.


"Daddy? Mommy said we get to see your house in a couple days!" Ottis said over the phone, I smiled and stirred the stir fry in the hot pan. I held my phone between my cheek and shoulder.

"That's the plan, are you excited?" I ask him.

"Mhm! I can't wait,"

"That's good, Well mommy said a quick call because you have school tomorrow. I love you bud and I'll see you in a couple days."

"I love you too daddy, miss you,"

"Miss you too buddy," I wait until he hangs up before I end the call. I dish the food onto a paper plate and sit down on my couch watching football.

My phone started ringing, so I paused my show and answered it.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello, This is Lydia Marcus from Petes Hardware, you had an interview with me the other day and you brought your son along?" The older woman's voice said. I remember quite well...thank you Bailey.

"Yes, I remember," I say politely.

"Well anyways I am calling to congratulate you on getting the job. Us over here at Petes Hardware are looking forward for you to be joining us." This is amazing! I got the job! I was shocked; especially since Bailey made me bring Ottis.

"Wow thank you so much, you don't know how happy you just made me. My little boy and I are on our way for a better life. Thank you so much for making that possible for us." I said quickly, had to play the part.

"You're welcome, first shift is Tuesday at eight. Have a good evening Samuel." Then she hung up. I was so happy.

I decided on hanging up the pictures Bailey made for me. I even hung up the one of her and Ottis from when he was born.

She looked so sad. But you could tell she was trying to be happy.

I resumed my Football game and passed out a little while later.


I woke up and started working around the apartment, it wasn't horrible. But it wasn't a penthouse either. I wanted it to be clean and tidy for this weekend. I re-painted the walls so the white was brighter. Then I vacuumed the chair, couch, and floors. I washed the windows, cleaned the bathroom and I painted the spare bedroom that Ottis would call his room.

I painted it a forest green and assembled his bed. It was my old bed. I was a twin size, I had a dinosaur printed bed set, and a dinosaur nightlight and bedside lamp. I had light green curtains that were pulled back, letting the sun in.

I put all the old toys from my childhood in the wooden toy box I had for him. Then I had a small dresser for all the clothes that I'll buy for him when he's here, and a laundry basket for his dirty clothes.

By the time I was finished it was about 11:30, so I thought I'd go grocery shopping.

I bought all my dinner plans, snacks, drinks, water flavoring, and some desserts. I loved ice cream.

After finishing everything I sat down on my couch. Phew. That's a lot of work done in just one day. My phone started ringing and I noticed it was my friend Isaac.

"Hey man?" I say when I answered.

"Hey, listen I gotta tell you something." He says urgently.

"And that would be?"

"I'm going to be a dad... I got Jenna pregnant. I'm so fucked man. And not in the good way." He groans. I sit up straight and look out the open window.

"You're going to be a what? Jenna who?" I was sputtering all kinds of questions. Isaac was a careful one, he actually slipped up.

"Jenna, as in Baileys best friend..." Then it clicked.

"Shit man, never thought I'd see the day where Isaac Murphy screwed up." I was still baffled.

"Screw you Sam, I thought you'd understand you have a five year old. You slipped up when you were sixteen! I'm only eighteen! Turning nineteen next week. I'm still too young." He sighs in frustration.

"By the way, I'm coming to stay with you for a few days. I'll be there in twenty."

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