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I don't think I'd ever be able to forget those brown eyes even if I tried. She's leaked her way into my guarded up brain, even after a matter of minutes.

I didn't expect her to have a son. No, that was definitely a surprise. But she seemed like she'd been through a lot and it was a long story. Maybe someday she'll open up enough to tell me. I hope so. She was young and I knew that, but her having a child so young speaks to me.

Her little boy-Ottis also made his way into my heart. His mad passion for skateboarding reminded me a lot of me when I was younger. I hope she calls soon so I can speak to them. I know it's a few weeks until they're back, and I know I'll miss them until then.

I'll make it my mission to not let her slip away.

Me: Hey you guys wanna call today?

Bailey: Maybe in a while, dad has to talk to me. Wish me luck!

Me: Good luck! ;)

"Who's Clayton?" My dads voice came out low.

"We met him at the park we stopped at yesterday. He was really nice, I dropped my phone and didn't notice until he returned it to me. Then we just talked and he taught Ottis a few moves on the skateboard." I mumble taking a bite of my eggs.

"So that's why you came home late! Spending time with some boy who you just met!" Dad shouts throwing his hands in the air.

"Honey calm down, she was just being polite to the young man who returned her phone. There is no need to shout especially with Ottis right here." My mom said and I stood up. I put my empty plate in the sink and grabbed Ottis's empty plate, also putting it in the sink.

"Come on Ottis, let's take a bath and then we'll go to the park." I said softly and he smiles.

Heading upstairs I run Ottis a bath and add his bath toys in. When I'm washing his blond mop my mom walks in and sits on the closed toilet seat.

"I'm sorry about your dad, sweetie. He's just... in not sure what he is. He's probably apprehensive about you being around guys. Worried that something might happen to you again." I laugh at her reason.

"Well mom, I can assure you that I'm not going to get pregnant again for a long time and after I'm married." Ottis looks at me and smiles.

"I love you mommy," He beams.

"I love you too, baby boy." I give him a small kiss and then rinse out the soap from his hair.

I wrap him up in his race car towel and bring him to our shared room. I sat him on his race car bed and picked out his clothes for the day.

"Mommy, Can I wear my cape today?" He asked and I smiled.

"I guess so, wanna wear your super and shirt under it?" I asked and he nodded.

"Are we gunna call Clay, mommy?" He asks with a pleading tone to his voice.

"Yes baby, when we get to the park," He smiles and hugs me. After getting him and I dressed we headed for my car.

"We'll be back later!" I called before closing the front door. My dad was frustrating me and I needed to take Ottis away if he was going to loose his temper.

Pulling into a parking spot at the playground, I climb out of my car and help Ottis out.

"Let's go to the bench so we can call Clayton," he smiles and nods, basically pulling me along.

The phone rings three times before he answered.

"Bailey? How are you?" Clayton's voice rang through the phone and I smiled.

"Hey Clayton, I'm fine. How are you?" I ask him and Ottis kicks his legs under him.

"I'm better now, how are things going with your dad?" He sounded genuinely interested.

"We've seen better days but that's okay, he needs to calm down so I took Ottis to the park and he wanted to call you." He chuckled and I smiled at the sound.

"Want to put him on?" I put Clayton on speaker and hold the phone so Ottis could talk.

"Hey buddy!" Clayton cheered through the phone.

"Clay! I miss you!" Ottis says kind of sadly towards the end.

"I know buddy, I miss you too, and I miss mommy. But I'll see you both in a couple weeks; okay?" He reasoned with him.

"Okay, I can't wait to skateboard with you again!"

"And I can't wait either pal, I'll take you to the skatepark here in town and I'll show you how to do tricks." My heart started beating faster at the thought of Clayton teaching Ottis reckless things.

"As long as Clayton promises to make sure you don't fall." I put in.

"Don't worry Bails, I wouldn't let him get hurt, ever." I smiled, satisfied with his answer.

"I have to go help my aunt, a new delivery just came in. I'll talk to you both later. Have a good day guys!" Clayton says.

"You too, Clayton." I said before ending the call.

"Let's go play babe," I wink at Ottis and he laughs.

"Can we swing first?" He asks and I nodded.

"Come on Mommy! Higher I'm not a baby!" Ottis whines as I push him gently on the swing.

"I don't want you to fall, this isn't a baby swing."

"I won't mommy, see I'm holding on tight." He grips the chains tighter to show me.

"I believe you Ottis. I'm just not ready to push you so high yet."

"Come on, mom. Let the kid go a little higher." I heard his voice behind me and I stop Ottis's swing.

"Sam." I say before turning around. I see Ottis's face light up when he sees him.

"Daddy!" He runs over to Sam and hugs him.

"Hey little guy! How was the rest of your trip?" Sam asks him as he bends down to his level.

"Good, I missed you though." Ottis said.

"I missed you too buddy. But you're back now so that's okay." Same smiled at him while glancing at me.

"For a few weeks. Then we're moving. I'm starting college, remember?" I interrupt. Sam let's go of Ottis and walks over to me.

"You don't have to take him." He says.

"No Sam, I do. He's my son, and I'd never abandon him like you." I fire back. How can he think that I'd ever just leave him behind?

"Stop saying shit like that!" Sam yelled and Ottis flinched.

"You need to calm down, and don't swear in front of my son." I growl at him.

"Our son! He's our son!" He yelled. I grabbed Ottis's hand and pulled him next to me.

"No. He's my son! I raised him since the day he was born! You walked out that day! And you never even looked back! You left us! Him!" Hot angry tears were threatening to spill but I held them at bay.

"I was 16! You could have too! Then I wouldn't be to blame!" He shot back.

"I'm not like you Sam! I know when to own up to my mistakes! I would never leave him! Ever! That would've made you feel so much better about yourself! If I just left him too, so I couldn't always throw that back in your face, we'll get used to it buddy! Cause I will never forgive you for walking out on him. Pretend you love him now then walk out on him when you feel to overwhelmed? Just leave now, so you don't hurt him."

"Mommy? I wanna go home now. I miss grandpa and Grammy." Ottis says pulling on my pant leg.

"Yeah baby, let's go." I lift him up and walk away. Sam looks broken and surprisingly I don't care one bit.

You fuck with my kid, I'll destroy you.

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