Shopping with the boys

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^Jayla Above 😁^

I groaned as Ottis and Clayton drag me around the mall. Who would've thought that my almost five year old would want to go clothes shopping.

"Mommy! I need this shirt, Cooper has one!" Ottis looked totally serious as he grabbed a green dinosaur shirt off of the rack.

"Okay, put it in the basket." He smiled after I told him what size and he plopped in the basket.

Clayton was walking in the pant section of Gymboree, looking at some khaki colored cargo shorts.

I got some nice jeans for him, some socks, even some race car undies.

"This is fun!" Clayton smiled. I laughed at him.

"Yeah, it's fun spending time with you both but he's a little ball of energy. I mean he's dragging me all over the stores!" It was his turn to laugh as he slipped in a few more shirts. After buying all that stuff we left and headed to Journeys to buy him new shoes.

After twenty minutes in that store we finally picked out a pair of black Converse. Classic.

Finally shopping was done and over with for Ottis to start school on Monday. Two days and my baby boy will be in school.

Ottis was fast asleep on my shoulder as Clayton carried the bags to my dorm.

After tucking him in bed I went back out and helped Clayton sort all the stuff out on the table. I started snipping the tags off of his clothing, while Clayton took the stickers off of them.

"Thanks for letting me be around Bailey." Clayton smiled. I looked up and smiled at him.

"No, thank you for being around. I'm jut worried about you getting dragged into something you're not ready for yet." I say sadly, he puts down the shirt he was holding and cups my face.

"Bailey, I want to be around. I love that little boy in there and I wanna be around to watch him grow. I'm not sure what happened in the past with either and ex or his dad but I want to be here. For the both of you, and I don't want you too feel like you're holding me back because you're not." I let a small smile show before he pulls my face towards his so he can kiss me.

The kiss was soft, gentle, and meaningful. There was no aggression, or forcefulness in it. It was just filled with all our emotions.

"Thank you, Clayton, really." I blink and look at him.

"Anytime, love." Then he kissed me again.
The next few days go by in a breeze. Today was my baby boys first day of school!

I woke up early this morning and got dressed in jeans, and a navy blue tee. I picked out Ottis's outfit too, he's going to be wearing jeans, and his new Cars shirt.

"Mommy! It's my first day of school!" Ottis squealed as he came running out from his room.

"I know! You're such a big boy now!" He jumped into my arms and I kissed him.

"Let me brush your hair, and get you dressed." He nodded as I brushed through his blond locks. After getting him ready I Facetime'd my parents.

"Grammy! Gampa! I start school today!" Ottis tells them and I see my parents smile grow.

"Wow, you're a big boy now." My dad tells him.

"I am."

"Grammy is so proud of you Ottis Shane! We hope you have a great day! Have mommy call us after school so you can tell us all about it," My mom said, Ottis jumps off my lap and walks to the fridge and grabs a Juicy Fruit, juice box.

"Hey! You still have to ask Ottis!" I scold him. He smirks, my blood runs cold for a second. He looks just like Sam. I swallow and he comes over to me.

"I'm a big boy now mommy," He taps my nose and I laugh.

"Say by to Grammy and Grandpa," I wave to the screen and Ottis does the same.

A knock on the door has me standing and walking towards it. When I open it I see Kennedy, Cooper, Anya, and Jayla.

"Ready for school?" Jayla asks me and I shake my head.

"I don't want him to grow up." She pats my shoulder.

"Don't we know it." Kennedy smiles, Cooper and Anya started playing with Ottis we still had ten minutes before we have to start walking towards the school.

Those ten minutes flew by. On our way there Clayton joined us with a coffee for me and muffins for Ottis and his class. Hopefully those kids don't have allergies. He smiled at me and instantly made me feel better.

"Look at you, little man is turning into a big man." Clayton ruffles Ottis's hair and I gasp.

"I just brushed that!" I swat his hand away, he just laughs at me and walks ahead of us girls holding my sons hand.

"Ms Reid, welcome back." The headmaster greeted us as we walked inside the front doors.

"Thank you, Mr Dunn." He looks at Clayton and tightly smiles at him. Clayton squeezed my hand and pulled me down the hallway.

"He's weird." Clayton growled in my ear. I laughed.

"Cause he looks down at us for being young and he thinks your his father." I pointed out.

"Who gives a shit, he nor anyone else needs to look at you like that." He was getting frustrated so I turned around and pecked his lips.

"Calm down, I'm used to it. It doesn't bother me anymore." He sighed but nodded.

"Ms Reid! Ottis! Welcome back," his teacher greeted us.

"Who's this?" She looked at Clayton and bit her lip. He wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing my temple.

"The father." My mouth fell open at his words.

"Oh, Ottis looks just like you." She recovered from the blow.

"We get that a lot." I look at him; my mouth agape. No one says that. Cause he's not really his dad? Crazy thought.

"I must be going to greet the other parents now, Ottis has a cubby over there for his backpack and things." She shuffles away and I stare at Clayton.

"Sorry, I had to act fast." He winked and kissed my cheek, he gets dragged away by my son and helps him settle his things in his cubby.

"Bye Ottis, mommy will pick you up at the end of the day okay? If you need me tell your teacher to call me and I'll come get you." He rolled his eyes but nodded.

"Mommy, I'll be okay. I gotta go play now. I love you." He kissed my nose and ran towards Cooper and Anya.

"I love you too baby boy." I whispered to myself.

Clayton walked me back until he reached the bakery.

"I gotta help my aunt, I'll see you later," he kissed my lips for a while before backing away.

"Okay." Then I turned walking the rest of the way back to my dorm.

What will I do now?

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