First day of the rest of my life

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Today is my first day of College. I was nervous, but stoked at the same time.

It's been a few days since Clayton and I... ya know. Did it. I was excited about school so I'd have something to do while Ottis was at school.

"Mommy!" Ottis smiled as he walked into my room.

"Yes, babe?" I lifted him up and held him on my hip.

"Am I going to see daddy today?" He asked, Sam has also been seeing Ottis every-other-day since we came back.

"Yep, after mommy gets out of school." I kiss his cheek and set him down.

"Okay!" Then he runs back to his room.

I throw on my white sweater and black jeans and white sneakers. I didn't want to dress fancy for the first day of college like most girls will do I'm sure. I simply throw my hair up in a pony tail and do a light layer of makeup.

My phone beeps and I notice a text from Jayla.

Jayla: Kennedy and I are grabbing coffee, want anything before our first class?

Me: Uh... Duh ya freaking dumbass! I need all to caffeine I can get after waking up at 6! 😂

Jayla: Okay okay, girl chill. 😂 I'll get you lots of sugar too even though I'm sure you DON'T need the pep. 😉

Me: I ALWAYS need the pep. Lol. Thank youuuu. I sent the message and shut off my phone. I walk into the living area to find Ottis eating some toast at the coffee table.

"Are you ready?" I ask him. He shoots up and chews the last of the toast.

I wrap him up in a hat, thin gloves, and his jacket. Fall was in the air and it was crisp. I told Ottis we'd get our pumpkins soon. He was happy to hear about that.

The walk to the school took forever, the cold air slapping me in the face waking me up.

At the front door of Ottis's school I kiss him goodbye and hug him.

"Have a good day baby, I love you." I kiss his face again and he pulls away.

"Mommy, my friends will see!" He said quietly wiping the kiss from his cheek.

"I don't care, I'll kiss my baby if I want to. I gotta go now, love you." He replies with a quick 'love you too' before disappearing into his school.

I turn around and see a blonde haired woman, probably mid thirties looking me up and down with her face contorted into one of disgust. She was wearing a long brown trench coat, she had on black heals and a fluffy scarf. She was standing there with a older looking man, early forties probably, and two children. One boy one girl.

She kept staring at me even though I was looking right at her.

"Can I help you?" I spit angrily. She scoffs and turns her head to her husband-I'm assuming-then she chuckled.

"I'm just wondering how they let such a...delinquent and her..child into this school. I thought so highly of it, but now I find myself second guessing their judgement." I roll my eyes at her, her husband chuckled.

"Im second guessing them too... on letting such snobby rich bitches have their children attend here."

"I am a lawyer, don't make me sue you for the way you're talking to my wife." The man seethes. I laugh.

"Try it buddy, it's called life. Any judge would know that. Get over it, and I won't be spending anymore time on trying to prove myself to people who I don't give a shit about." I shrug and walked away.

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