[32] another royal au (pt. 5)

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"I would honored, My Lord Leopold." You said with humor in your voice, stooping down to link your arm with his. Even if you didn't want to marry him, you had to admit that he was just a cute little kid doing his best at what his parents asked of him. It tugged at your heartstrings whenever you could see your sister in Leopold, it had been too long since you'd seen her.

Leo tripped over yours and his own feet many times before you bent down to whisper to him, "Stand on my shoes."

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you, Y/N." Leo seemed concerned at your request.

"My toes are already numb from these shoes, it'll be fine."

And so, Leo's small feet were atop your own and you casually started leading through the dance, weaving in between the other couples on the dance floor. The song ended, and both you and Leo had big grins on your faces, it was genuinely fun. He stepped down off your feet and bowed to you. "Thank you, Lady Y/N."

"It was my pleasure, Lord Leopold." You curtsied, seeming to have finally reached a good rapport between you two that was more of an older sister/younger brother relationship than romantic. Thank god.

With a deep breath, you decided to take a break, and saw that Amy had that same idea, she was standing near a column, talking with King Mark, his brother Prince Tom, and some other nobles you didn't quite recognize. Sidling up beside her, you pinched her side gently with a grin. "Hello, Your Highness, the Regal Queen Amy of Fischbach." You teased her, curtsying so low your knees were about to give out.

"You're such a pain sometimes, Y/N." She rolled her eyes, but nothing could wipe that smile off of her face, and she took to introducing you to everyone. "This is Princess Y/N, of Fandomia, she's been a guest at my father's castle for many weeks now. Princess Y/N, this is Tyler, Duke of Apocalype, Kathryn, Fischbach's Royal Advisor, and of course Queen Signe of Wiishunia."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." You said to the Wiishunian and Kathryn, but stopped when you got to Tyler, who was on your other side. He was definitely familiar.

"Princess Y/N Y/L/N, it has been a few years, hasn't it?" The Duke said, and it suddenly dawned on you.

"Ah yes, Duke Tyler Scheid, about twelve years now? Last I saw you, you had just rubbed mud all over my favorite doll."

"Last I saw you, you had given me a broken nose for that."

You shared a laugh at the memory. "Maybe that's why our parents broke off our initial betrothement."

"It's a possibility." The curly-haired man agreed.

"You guys used to be betrothed?" Amy raised an eyebrow at the revealmeant.

"For about three months, and I wasn't even the first choice."

Your cheeks turned bright red, remembering the period of about four years of your parents trying to get you wedded off as soon as possible by betrothing you to every available son of noble blood nearby. "I scared most of them off."

"You were definitely not having it back then." Tyler had a wistful smile as he reminisced with you in the past. "Which is not what I'm hearing is the case now?"

Biting your lip to keep your groans of displeasure at bay, you turned to Amy with a 'help me' look on your face. Thankfully, Queen Signe came in for the save, "Duke Schied, I believe it is Queen Amy and King Mark's special day today, not Princess Y/N's."

You mouthed a thank you to her, and she gave you an understanding nod. "Of course, my apologies." Your childhood friend nodded, and you took this lull in the conversation to get a private word with Amy in.

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