Chapter 12 : Life or Death

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 Seeing that bitch slap my sister got me triggered so bad, ready to explode anytime at that bitch who laid her fucking crusty ass hand on my sister's face. She might not be my biological sister, but she is one to me. I ain't letting nothing hurt her. Who the fuck has time to cause drama when we're in a life or death situation.

"We're all on the same boat and you literally just had to slap her because of a fucking boy. Ren is injured. Dream was also injured. I was injured, and now you're just begging to be injured." I informed.

As Dream walked up to me, I could sense that she was crying. Her face was red and her eyes were puffy. I swear, Ren should know she has a lot of shit going on.

"Are you okay, sis?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. I'll be back in a sec," She smiled at Kuki and I and walked away.

Unexpectedly, Kuki slapped Kelly on my behalf.

No matter who, they are a part of me, who helped me fight these bitches. Nobody deserves to be hurt by their own teammate, it doesn't make sense. I gave them a quick lesson. Honestly I thought this was pretty retarded. Who has time to argue when we are about to die. This was it. We were going to die because of this stupid nonsense.  As soon as I was about to give them another lesson, I heard a faint noise in the background. It repeated again. I thought someone was slightly hitting the steel door, but no. It was a gunshot, it must be Elly.

"Everybody! We need to go. I think Elly needs our help. " I gathered everyone. "Ren, I know you're hurt, but can you make it?"

"Yeah, yeah. I can make it, no problem," he said.

"Okay, then. Let's go." I said.

I gathered everyone, including Kelly, which I wasn't really excited about. I gave everyone their weapons. They can't ever leave those behind because it's the only thing that can save us all. We walked out confidently, but then I looked back to see Dream missing. I only saw Kelly assisting Ren.

"Stop! Where's Dream? There's no fucking way she's missing. She said she'll be right back. Split up and find her. Now!" I said frantically. "Dream! God damn it! What the fuck is taking her so long?"

Kelly hid her face and looked down. I looked at her and she knew I was looking at her.

"Bitch! Why the fuck are you going around slapping people for no fucking reason. Just because Ren ran up to her doesn't mean you gotta slap her. Look at what you've done. You just pissed her off and now she's nowhere to be seen. If she becomes one of those bitches, you're going to pay for what you did to my friend, " I yelled at Kelly.

"I'm sorry, but Ren needs to rest. He just ran up to her. He could've broken something or even worse," Kelly apologized.

I ran and looked around for her. I was also being cautious at the same time. One of those bastards could've came up from behind and attack. Dream was one of the closest friends of mine.

"Is that her right there?" Ren pointed trying to walk to her.

I looked in the direction of where he pointed. I widened my eyes. I stopped him. "It's best that you don't talk to her for now."

I picked up my pace and ran. I suddenly slowed down and came to a complete stop.

"She's... she's one of the possessed." I said with tears.

My nightmare came true. It all came to me now, and same with Ren. We broke down, together and quietly. I just lost one of my "siblings" to them. I couldn't believe it. I dropped down on the floor. I slowly came back to my senses and started walking towards her. They were sort of possessed but not really. They were beginning to, though. I stood in front of her while I looked down. I put my hands on her shoulders and spoke my mind.

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