Chapter 9 : M-Attack

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  I had nowhere to go so I joined Tyler, Tiffany, Grace, Alex, and Riley which is the recruiters group. Tyler was the cool guy that talked to everyone, Tiffany was really nice and it was nice to have her around, Grace was really smart and she always get A's in every class, Alex was my guy friend and we were pretty close, and there was Riley. I always felt uncomfortable with Riley since she was my crush's girlfriend, Mason. I mean, I like him since last year but he doesn't know that. Riley knew that I did because of my actions around him. One day, after school, she came up to me.

"How dare you like my boyfriend? He's mine!" Riley yelled at me.

I was shocked so I stayed quiet.

"I'm gonna tell him," Riley said in a calm voice.

I looked at her with wide eyes.

"No! Please don't!" I kept begging her. She didn't do anything and stayed quiet, listening to me, begging to her until she got an idea.

"I won't tell Mason, but that's only if you don't speak and look at Mason at all. If you do, then I won't tell him that you like him," Riley said with a smirk. Don't speak to Mason? Don't look at Mason? I can't do that. "Deal?" Riley said impatiently.

I looked at Riley and thought about it. I nodded at Riley and she smiled. She could tell I was upset since she said, "Awww don't be sad. You'll find a new guy." And she smirked again.

After that, I didn't even look at Mason. Not even one bit. I didn't talk to him even tho he talked to me but I never replied.

"Iris, why are you ignoring me? Did I do something? Iris!"

But I never answered him and I would always walk away. It broke my heart. I didn't want him to know. If he did, there would be problems. Riley would hate me forever, Mason would've told his friends that I liked him, Riley would be angry at Mason for talking to me, and I would probably be the reason why they broke up. But at the same time, it felt right to ignore Mason.

As time went by, Mason stopped talking to me but once in awhile he looked at me. What made it hurt more was when Mason and Riley were always together and they were together most of the time. I lied to Vinny and them that I stopped liking Mason. They were proud of me because he wasn't the one for me but they don't even know that I still liked him. I didn't mind because they're my friends.

Since Riley was in my group, I felt nervous but I tried to act normal around her. My group left the classroom and we walked around the school. We went room to room and attacked some monsters. There wasn't much in the hallway that we were in. We went inside a empty room, which was the science room, and I could tell by Grace's reaction that she didn't like this room. We grabbed some things that we thought were helpful. We found a scalpels, scissors, and a fire extinguisher but it was by the corner of the room. Grace eyes widened.

"We should leave," Grace said. We all looked at her.

"No it's fine," Alex said.

"The air doesn't feel right in here. Plus, something is in that corner," Grace said.

She was right. There is something in that corner. One of those ugly bitches was coming towards our direction. Alex went first and attacked it, along with Tyler who helped. The worst part was there was more. We all attacked but in groups. Alex and Tiffany fought one, Tyler and Grace fought another one, while Riley and I fought one together too.

"We need to get the fire extinguisher!" Tiffany yelled.

"Iris! Go get the fire extinguisher!" Tyler yelled while fighting the monster.

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