Chapter 1 : School of Horror

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 School is everyone's least favorite place. Except for some nerds that come to school early every day to go to the school's library and stuff their faces in thick books. I hate how school makes you wake up early and put all those weights of homework and tests on students' heads at the end of the day. The only thing about school is that it's the place where I make most of my friends. I can't stand being a loner nor being an outcast with no friends and social life. That's a sad image to imagine. My social circle contains Iris, Kuki, Vinny, and Dream. I have more friends, but they're more special than others.

    Iris is the "innocent but don't touch" kinda type. She's gentle but can give you her deadly glares if you do stupid things to her. I experienced her wrath before. I annoyed her once by throwing flour up her nose during a Science lab. She got triggered. We got detention afterwards for throwing flour at each other, it was one of our "best" memories.

    Kuki is the singer of our circle. She can sing non-stop, 24/7, very much like Adele, and a mix of Rihanna and Drake because she can rap and sing. She can also dance, she's a way better dancer than me, because the only dance I've mastered in my lifetime is the chicken dance. She is obsessed with karaoke machines. There is this arcade/fun center that has a karaoke. She always drags us there, which I don't mind because I love singing, too. However, my voice cracks up and down, and apparently people say that I'm tone deaf, so people advise me not to sing.

    Vinny is the only male in our circle. He's not gay, by the way. People thinks he's gay because he hangs out with us girls. Always shows up to our girl's meeting or always there to comfort us when us girls are crying our asses off about a boy or many boys in general. I actually even thought he was gay when I first met him. He was imitating a girl going through a breakup when I first met him. His imitation was too real, made me think he was gay. His imitation went something like this.

    "Omg, like, I could have been the one who dumped him, you know. Like oh my gosh, I'm so triggered," then he let out a big exaggerating sigh and started fake crying.

    I was only there for half of his imitation, so I didn't know what happened from the start. So I started questioning his sexuality. After he clarified his sexuality to everyone, I thought back and it was funny. He was imitating the breakup of that one famous bitch in our school.

    Dream was friends with me since elementary school. The start of our friend was dramatic. It was a love story that doesn't have a happy ending. First of all, we were bitches to each other. We were savages. Whenever we walked past each other, we would clear each other's throat before calling each other bitches. For example, "Ahem, bitch." That was our greeting to each other. Nothing went well between us in elementary school. When we entered middle school, our "friendship" somewhat got better. We switched from calling ourselves bitches to assholes, after learning how some people call their besties a "bitch." Pretty much our friendship was complicated, until the end of middle school, when we decided to be friends, so the world can be peaceful -- we were on the verge of starting WWIII. Now, we sometimes lowkey hate each other, but in the end, there's love between us. Love within a friendship. I'm not a lesbian nor is she. But I noticed Ren giving glances at her. So does she.

    We made a lot of memories together, but there was this one particular event that traumatized us all, and I remembered it vividly. We were sophomore in Desanah High, and we all had Biology together during last period. It was a good thing that the teachers didn't know we are friends when they put our schedule together, because you rarely get a class with all your friends are in it. Though science is not my thing, but it's my favorite time of the day because I get to see my friends.

    I entered the class and my eyes started searching for my friends right away. We made eye contact and started doing our dramatic greeting.

    "Oh my gosh, yas, I missed you."

    "Oh my gosh, me too."

    Then we started fake crying and hugging each other as if someone was dying and whispered in each other's ears.

    "Oh my gosh, I want him to die so bad."

    "I've digged a grave out in the courtyard, ready for him. We can go in there instead of him if we want."

    "I know right, these days I keep thinking that I might die any day."       

    Just as we were about to finish with our greeting, Mr. Krumpton, our science teacher, came in the class and interrupted our ritual.

    "You guys need to control yourselves. This is not a dramatic class. If you want to be in theater, sign up for theater and be all dramatic as much as you want there," Mr. Krumpton said.

    Kuki raised her hand. "I already signed up for it, you don't need to remind me anymore, but thanks for the unneeded reminder though," She smiles as him.

    He gave her a short 1-second glare, and cleared his throat like he always did before starting a class. We went back to our desks and started listening to him explain about a butterfly's circle of life. It was lame because I already knew how a butterfly's life goes, I knew more about its life than my life, which is sad.

    We dissected worms that day, it was nasty because I was never a fan of bugs. Kuki and Iris were a pair, Dream and I were a pair, and Vinny and Ren were a pair. Our group got one big fat worm. During the dissection, I was grossed out the whole time. I sliced it open with the scalpel and I watched how its two bodies still moved around when it was separated.

    "This is worse than ripping off a chicken wing from a whole chicken," I said.

"Of course, duh. Chicken is food, and it's life," Dream joked.

I started dancing the famous chicken dance. Mr. Krumpton saw, and he went over to stop me. "Get back to work, please. It's not time to fool around."

We spent the whole hour dissecting that nasty worm and observing it. We started packing up when there was only 5 minutes left of class. We were cleaning all the tools and wiping off the table. The classroom has two windows that looks to the outside. As I started packing up and putting things back, that was when I started noticing how things were being weird. The sky suddenly turned abnormally dark, when the weather was supposed to be warm and sunny. One of the lights in the room started flickering, then slowly all of the lights started flickering. People were noticing it, too.

"What's happening?" Natalie said.

There was a loud murmur of everyone saying they don't know. Suddenly, all the lights went off, and people started freaking out.

"I'm getting goosebumps. We should get out of here," Laura whimpered.

Someone started speaking through the intercom as soon as Laura finished her statement.

"No one shall move anywhere out of where you are and out of this place, or else, you might die without a trace of your death."

"Fuck," Vinny said. "We're gonna die."

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