Chapter 5 : Death is Near

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Vinny's decision to take a peek outside worried us. We all needed to figure out a way to get out of this mess. We already had a couple of people die already. Plus, Vinny couldn't die now, he could die any day, because we needed him in this. Also, he died during this, then after all this mess, there won't be anyone else to buy us food.

"Don't worry, I got this. Nobody is dying from our group," Vinny replied.

    Natalie looked at us girls. She was kind of hesitant on telling us something.

    "What is it Nat?" We asked her suspiciously.

    "Uh... I don't know. Vinny seems really brave.... Isn't he like really cool?" She asked awkwardly.

    "Are you falling for him, Natalie?" Iris joked.

    Oh my gosh. This is just like a Shoujo Manga. I thought.

    "No, I'm not. . I. . I was just wondering," She blushed.

    "I'm not gonna die. I just need to see whether we can get out yet or not," Vinny said.

    We watched him carefully. His every move from when he laid his hand on the handle to when he was turning the handle slowly. He opened the door ajar, enough to see the hallway. Though, right as he was about to observe everything out in the hall, we heard a gunshot. Vinny fell back onto the floor.

    "Vinny," Natalie crawled to him. "Vinny, are you okay? Vinny!"

    Vinny groaned. "I'm okay," he sat up. "Just almost died."

    "Yo, what the hell happened?" I asked.

    "The freak was out there. It almost got me," Vinny said. "That bitch is still lingering around."

    I looked at the door. The bullet had left an indent on the door. I came closer to examine it, as well as Elly. "Damn, our school got strong doors." I said as I shut the door.

    "I know right," Elly said. She turned to Vinny. "Yo, you could've died if not for the door."

    "You're lucky as fuck," I said to Vinny.   

    "You would've been one of those bitches. Be careful next time," Ren warned as he stood up and assisted.

    After we all recovered from the shock, I asked, "What are we gonna do now? We're trapped in here."

    "Does anyone have food?" Elly asked everyone in the room. "My stomach is growling."

    Everyone turned to look at her. She just smiled and shrugged.

"I do. There's a lot of food in here," the cooking teacher, Mrs. Jorgenson, said as she stood up from her chair and went to her cupboards.

    "Damn, we picked the right class to barge in," Vinny chuckled.

    She had bags of chips and brought it to us. We thanked her and ate it.

    "Thanks for the food. It may seem rude, but do you have any chocolate? I need to boost my energy up," Elly laughed.

    "I feel like you don't need to eat chocolate unless we go fight. Having chocolate enter your mouth will make you go high like your on drugs. I been noticing lately that you love chocolate. What's up with that?" Vinny laughed.

"I've been noticing that, too," Dream said.

"Stop bullying me, what did I do?" Elly said innocently.

"Oh, Elly," I laughed at her.

"Dream, don't talk and just rest for a bit, okay?" Ren said worriedly. "Don't push yourself."

"Just. . . don't worry about me, okay. I'm fine. I haven't been doing anything. I need to help. Plus, there's other people you need to protect. Like Kelly," Dream replied.

"Elly, save some food for Vinny, too. He's still in shock. He might be hungry after everything he did," Natalie said worriedly. "Oh, also save some for Dream, don't take it all."

    Why is it so quiet outside. This is strange. Something must have gone wrong.

    "It's too quiet out in the halls. Anyone wanna come with?" Vinny asked.

    "I'll go, I'll go find a weapon." Ren volunteered.

    "Guys be careful. We don't want something to happen to you guys again like last time,"  Iris advised.

Vinny and Ren had fire extinguishers. Ren grabbed one from the cooking class. Vinny still has his from Mr. Krumpton's class.

    "Ready? If so, then let's go." Vinny asked.

    They both went to the door. We all watched them as they exited the room. I was worried, and I was sure everyone in the room was on edge about them too. There were too many lives, and we had already lost a few. We couldn't bear to lose more nor did I want to imagine more "silent" deaths happening. Everyone in this room had a common feeling. We were scared. I was scared. Our lives were at stake.

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