Chapter 7 : Showtime

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 I looked out the door to see if the coast was all clear. I didn't see anybody, so it was clear. My group was the first to depart. We had our weapons locked and loaded. Half of Group 4, the watchers, followed us to watch our backs. They also had weapons. I had everybody walk against the wall so we could see around us. As we were almost to our destination, I halted the group.

    "Stop for a minute. There's 2 of them. Get ready to attack," I said. "Get your weapons ready."

    They turned around and looked at us with their knives in their hands. My group took their positions. Those freaks started walking towards us. Cameron had his slingshot, but he forgot his pencils, so he had to use pebbles from a plant beside him. Dream and Natalie got out their books, lighters, and hairspray as a flamethrower. Ren and I got our fire extinguishers ready to spray and to knock them out.

    "They're coming!" I yelled. "Fire!"

    Cameron loaded his slingshot and he fired. One of those bitches got hit in the head, he was knocked out. The girls got their lighters out and sprayed the other bitch in the face, burning his face slightly. Dream decided to go further, so she took her book and knocked one of them down which got me surprised.

    "Nice one, Dream!" Ren exclaimed. "I bet you can do better with the rest of those ugly asses."

    "Thanks," Dream blurted.

    I complimented Dream on her skills. I gave everyone a high-five.  

    "Let's keep on doing this and we'll live," I advised.

    "I hope so, Vinny." Natalie replied.

    We kept walking, but after a few steps, we saw one of those jerks. He was loaded with a gun.

    "Run! He's going to shoot!" I yelled as we ran.

    Everybody ran as fast as they could and turned a sharp turn, but Ren was behind us all, protecting the girls, so he was shot in the leg, but it only brushed his skin. Good thing it didn't go in his flesh. We need him and if we don't have Ren then it's going to be more complicated getting out of this place.

"Ren!" Dream and Natalie screamed as they assisted him to hurry into a classroom.

Everybody made it into the classroom safely. We hid behind a bookshelf, but it was no use. We kept hearing banging against the door, but it was actually the bullets because there were indents that were pretty small compared to a fist. The school doors are pretty strong. If it wasn't for the doors, we would've been dead by now.  Ren wanted to get up and walk, but he was slightly limping. I decided to rip part of my shirt to wrap around his wound. It wasn't deep but it was bleeding. I wanted to cover it to prevent it from bleeding even more and to stop infections during the time being. After a while I didn't hear anything. I peeked under the door to see if the bitch was still there.

"Yo, he isn't here anymore, I'm gonna take a peek out the door." I said confidently.

I looked out the door to see nothing there. The coast was clear.

"Be careful, Vinny. There are a lot of those nasty freaks out there. Knock that ass down for me if you see him, " Ren smiled. He got paler.

"You and Dream stay here, while Cameron and I go," I said. "Unless you don't want to. Up to you."

"No! I will come with you," Natalie replied quickly.

Cameron nodded his head in agreement.

"Ooh. Looks like Natalie likes someone!" Dream teased.

"No, I don't," Natalie said as she blushed.

"Yeah, no she doesn't. Look at you two," I laughed.

"Shut up! There's nothing between us. We're just. . . friends," Dream snapped.

Ren's face started getting sadder by the second.

"Wow, such a great couple. You both turned into tomatoes at the same time. Anyways, enough talking, I gotta go," I laughed.

Natalie, Cam, and I took off from the rest of the group to find more people and weapons. Whenever there was a sound, Natalie grabbed my arm tightly because she was "startled" of those noises.     

"You're going to be fine, Natalie. I'm here." I smiled at her.

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