Chapter 14: The Date

Start from the beginning

"What about parasailing?"

"We can do that before."

"Okay," he grinned.

We asked around for a little while and finally found out where to go to go parasailing. Logan and I had to stand in line for a while and I eagerly watched people launch into the air.

We finally got to the front of the line a whole hour later and a cheery, very dark man with long hair greeted us.

"Ready for the time of your lives guys?" He asked.

I nodded, "Absolutely."

I paid and he led us over to a long dock. He explained the safety things and such while he suited Logan and I up in harnesses.

We were attached to a wing sail and were told to hold on to the metal bar. He put helmets on our heads and told Logan to make sure his camera was strapped to him tightly.

I squirmed with excitement as the guy signaled to the boat driver.

"Okay guys, take a running start and at the end of the dock, try to jump in sync," he grinned.

A couple other guys lifted the sail for us as the boat began to pull away from the dock, picking up speed.

"Run Eva!" Logan laughed as we started to race down the dock.

The wind caught the sail and the other guys let go. Logan and I were practically dragged down the dock and at the end, I squealed with joy as we launched ourselves into the air. With the wind already catching our glider, we didn't have to jump very far.

The boat roared and we were pulled up into the air higher as the tether lengthened.

Logan whooped next to me and snapped pictures like crazy. I yelled happily as the wind rushed under us.

We were so high as we flew around over the ocean. The boat drove in circles and we leaned to steer.

"This is amazing!" I screamed and Logan laughed.

I pointed at the dolphins leaping in the waves below us and we both grinned. I can't explain how alive I felt, how free I finally was.

This was what I wanted, this feeling for the rest of my life. What I'd been aching for for so long. I couldn't bear to go back to how I used to live.

"Logan, help me promise something," I said over to wind.

"What's that?" He raised an eyebrow behind his shades.

"To never live the mediocre life ever again," I beamed.

"Okay Eva, you promise?" He grinned back at me.

"I promise," I nodded.

"You sure?"

"I promise!" I yelled and laughed.

Our tether eventually began to shorten and we were lowered into the boat and taken back to the docks.

"Y'all have a good time?"

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