"Better, I just have a little headache." He replied and I,  who couldn't hold my hands back, stuck my arm out to fix his messy brown locks on top of his head. The doctor saw it and smiled friendly as he watched us. My lips curled into a tiny smile as I looked at the result of his soft hair, it looked better now. Sunggyu shyly smiled as he hung his head low, looking at his lap as he already knew what the doctor was thinking about (Y/N)'s little action, in which she was totally ignorant of what they may are thinking.

"Are you his girlfriend?" The doctor asked me curiously, I directly pulled my arm back as I almost choked on my saliva.

"No" I simply replied, feeling a bit embarrassed. The doctor produced a chuckle from his throat before looking back at his papers.

"So," the doctor knitted his eyebrows together as he examined the papers full words we probably didn't understand. ", it seems like you fainted multiple times in the past months." The doctor's eyes lingered back to Sunggyu who was at lost of words.

"Uhm ... yeah..." he rubbed his nape nervously.

"We haven't examined your condition yet so we think the reason you faint so much may be because of overloaded stress. We currently can't do anything about it so the only thing I can say is to rest and eat well." The doctor placed the papers between his arm and ribcage as he bowed his head slightly to us.

"Good afternoon." He turned around and made his way out of the room. Sunggyu heaved once again a sigh and stood up from the comfortable bed.

"Are you sure you can walk?" I asked him, concerned for his health.

"Yes." He shortly replied and searched for his jacket. Luckily, I didn't forget it and took it with me as Mrs. Kim and me made our way to the hospital.

"Here." I handed him his grey jacket in his hands.

"Thank you." He gave me a kind smile. The same as he entered my house for the first time together with Mrs. Kim by his side.

"And what were you saying about Mrs. Kim?" I asked him as we made our way outside of the big and modern hospital.

"Ow yeah...euhm..." he rubbed his nape nervously as he searched for words. How do I tell her? He thought. The same time both of us got out of the doors, the cold autumn weather crashed against our faces and uncovered hands. As a habit, I putted them in the warm pocket of my coat as Sunggyu took a quick glance at me and back at the ground. Their was wind making my hair fly back and Sunggyu's brown hair too.

"How do I begin," he sighed as a cloud of vapor left his red lips. "Mrs. Kim is my aunt." He blurted out without hesitation - taking bim by surprise. I though it would be difficulter. He smildd proudly to himself without me realising it.

"She ― what!?" I asked as my eyes grew wide but not from the shock. I wasn't that shocked because of the way she acted around him. The way she cared for him when they entered my house was weird compared to her normal self. She would always give him little smiles and ask him every here and there if he was thirsty. Although he said he was not thirsty, she still would ask me to bring a glass of water for him. But Sunggyu being all awkward and a bit embarrassed would stop me. It was also the only day she showed me her kind of soft side. She wasn't totally soft, you know.

"Yes, she probably will talk about me with my mom." He pursed his lips in a pout. Already imagining the scene that will happen when he got home in the next thirty minutes.

"Why were you so shocked to know that Mrs. Kim saw you fainting?" I asked him, unsure if I actually could ask him that or not.

"I want to tell you (Y/N), but it kind of is embarrassing so I'll keep it for myself and not tell you ... yet." Although I was so curious, I respected his choice and nodded in return.

"Where is Mrs. Kim actually?" He asked me as he turned his head towards me.

"She stayed in the hospital for almost half an hour but then had to go to her next lesson." I replied him. 'Ah' was everything he said. After a silent walk we stopped at the end of the street, where we had to take our own ways to go home.

"Thank you." He suddenly said in a shy way.

"For?" I asked him as I tilted my head to the side and looked up at him.

"For staying with me until I woke up and taking care of me." He smiled down at me.

"That was no problem." I smiled up at him and then looked beside me to see the traffic light turning green.

"I have to go now. See you next time, Sunggyu." I waved him a goodbye. I surely love hugs but my timid self came before me so I choose to wave him a goodbye instead.

"Bye, (Y/N). Take care." He quickly waved a goodbye as he knew I had to cross the street before the traffic light would turn red.

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