Chapter 4: Longing to Follow

Start from the beginning

"I can tell that you are an inquisitive person. You are one who questions about everything, including your own existence." She states.

I watched her eyes glow brightly. In awe, I had to question about EVERYTHING that was happening. After all, I can't wake up and somehow, I had the feeling that this was no ordinary dream.

"You're correct. This is no ordinary dream." She abruptly said as soon as I finished thinking. I was shocked to know that she can read my mind but isn't everything here happening in my mind?

"Then what am I doing here?" I asked.

She paused for a moment. From the look on her face, I could tell she was depressed over what she was going to tell me.

"Someone made you sleep. And whatever he did to you is trying to put you to sleep 'permanently'."

Wait. 'Permanently'? Does she mean that the guy who gave me orange juice was killing me with it?

"Indeed we do not know who the man is. We received the message from your senses and we detected something like an intoxicant in the juice."

So I was right. Everything was happening inside my head but the fact that they knew still doesn't sound right. It's a dream but it's no ordinary one. They (whatever organization "they" is referring to) know what I was doing when I was awake. Or maybe it's just my body-and-brain coordination. It always knows what I'm doing.

"You'd best get going. More Nightmares will be coming here very soon." She warned.

Okay. So I thought nightmares were sorts of dreams that frighten you when you when you sleep. Now they are creatures coming after me? I'm confused.

"By the way, take the monkey with you." She told me.

Of all creatures in these woods, why'd I have to bring a stupid monkey in my dreams knowing that I'd never have him when I wake up?

"That monkey is going to help you though. You'd thank me for that."

Well, like the Wizard of Oz had a monkey companion, I, too, would rather have it. Sadly, he doesn't talk. But at least he's able to understand me some way.

"Okay. Koko. Let's go."
"It's Cola, boy."
"R-right. Cola."

I hinted her to follow me, since she doesn't have a leash. Suddenly, claws were breaking through the windows. Glass shards were everywhere and black blobs and werewolf-like creatures entered the house.

Linda was no where to be seen.

I don't know what awaits beyond the road but I had to find refuge somehow. Cola and I ran out of the house from those 'creatures' and whatever they are, they will most definitely kill me here in my dream.
I ended up carrying Cola on the way out.

I'd hate to say this but at the moment, Cola wasn't helping.

But her tail got hold of something. Something rather useful.

"You got a knife, with your tail?" I exclaimed.
She only responded with ooh-ah-ahs.

Yes, monsters were still after me down the road and I'm beginning to wear out. I didn't see signs of 'life' anywhere yet. I was desperately running away from those Nightmares.

But then I thought," This is my dream. I can make anything happen here."

So I thought hard on one thing: to make the Nightmares disappear.

It didn't work.

I thought harder and harder.

It still wasn't working.

They draw closer and closer as I ran slower and slower. It was going to be the end. This is how this story will end, will it?

Then, I saw a shining light beyond the trees ahead. I gathered the last of my strength and pushed on. Then the Nightmares started turning around and head opposite my direction.

"Thank goodness." I sighed with relief.

But I had no idea what was beyond the trees. What was that light?

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