"Hm I guess it depends on how it goes between us." Taehyung said. "If it dosn't go well between us I don't have to but if it goes well I'll tell them."

"Then in my opinion you should tell them." Jimin said and hoped Taehyung figured out what that meant. Jimin didn't get a chance to see if Taehyung understood it before someone made a bomb down in the water near them and the water splashed making Jimin take a step forward and land in Taehyung's arms. Their naked torsos were pressed against each other as Jimin's arms were on Taehyung's shoulders. They looked into each others eyes and everything around them disappeared.

"Jimin I wanted to kiss you since you sat in the cab but I didn't want to do something you didn't like..but now I don't think I can help myself." Taehyung said.

"I've been waiting for you to kiss me since I got into the cab." Jimin said a little smile playing on his lips as they both leaned in. Their lips met in a sweet and passionate kiss. Taehyung loved the way Jimin's lip felt against his own. He put a hand to Jimin's cheek and pulled his face a little closer so the kiss got even better. None of the boys knew how long they stood kissing like that, only that it felt good. When they finally pulled away their eyes were shining.

"Come on let's try a slide." Taehyung said and grabbed Jimin's hand which felt tiny in his own. As they stood in line Jimin looked at Taehyung.

"Don't be hesitent in kissing me please." Jimin said. "I don't mind at all."

"Are you sure?" Taehyung asked as they moved closer to the slide.

"100% sure." Jimin said smiling.

"I bet you regret saying that later." Taehyung said with a smirk. Jimin couldn't wait to see what Taehyung had planned with that thought. When it was their turn Jimin sat down first and Taehyung sat behind him having his arms around his stomach. As they went down they were both laughing out loud. When they were done they hurried to a new one.

"Okay that was fun." Jimin said as they stood and waited in line. Taehyung placed his arm around Jimin's lower back and placed small kisses on Jimin's neck. Jimin would smile everytime.

"Yeah it really was." Taehyung said and kissed him again. Jimin knew this was what he had meant before but he didn't regret it he loved it. When it was their turn, they placed themselves as before and went down. Jimin enjoyed Taehyung's arms around him and his naked chest pressed against his naked back.
They kept going on slides for a long time before going in the water again. They had decided to go to the pool with waves. As they went in the waves were pretty strong because there were so many people. The boys were crashed against each other and decided to hold onto each other tightly. They found a corner where the waves almost died and stood there.

"Are you having fun?" Taehyung asked, not that he really doubted it, Jimin's smile seemed permanent.

"Yes Taehyung this is perfect." Jimin said. Their bodies were so close not even the water could come between them. "I'm so happy you chose to talk to me yesterday."

"Me too, it seems like it was the perfect descion." Taehyung smiled.

"It defently was." Jimin said. Taehyung cupped Jimin's cheeks and pulled him into a kiss. They got lost in the kiss and Taehyung moved his hands to Jimin's waist to make sure he didn't move because of the waves. While Jimin put his hands around Taehyung's neck. Slowly Jimin opened his mouth and Taehyung explored his mouth. Their naked chest was sliding against each other because of the water.

"Ew they're kissing." They pulled away to see a little boy. His mom scolded him before she dragged him away. Jimin and Taehyung began laughing before they started to play fight in the water and splashed it on each other. Some hours later they were both getting exhausted. They decided to get dressed again and go back.

"Um the others are asking if we want to have dinner with them. Is that something you want?" Taehyung asked as they sat in the cab.

"Sure! I like them." Jimin said. Taehyung had his arm around Jimin.

"But not as much as you like me right?" Taehyung said only half joking.

"Not nearly as much as I like you." Jimin said and kissed Taehyung's cheek. Taehyung looked satisfied and texted back. They met at the same restaurant as the day before. Once again Jimin found the group of friends easy to talk to and had a lot of fun. When he had to go home Taehyung followed him to the street. They stood on the sidewalk in each others arms.

"I had a really good day." Jimin smiled.

"Me too." Taehyung said. He seemed a bit hesitent before he talked again. "There is something I want to ask you though."

"Alright." Jimin said and sincerely hoped he would ask the question that had gone through his own head the last hour.

"So I know is only our second date but I've never connected with anyone the way I connect with you so I'm hoping you won't hate me when I ask you..will you be my boyfriend?" Taehyung bit his lip nervously. Jimin's face lit up in a smile when he heard those words. That was exactly what he wanted to hear.

"Yes Tae I really want to be your boyfriend." Jimin said. Taehyung smiled too before pulling Jimin into a kiss. "Plus we have already been dating two weeks if you ask your friends." Jimin laughed after they pulled away.

"That's of course true." Taehyung said joining Jimin in laughing.

"I better get going now." Jimin said when the laughter died. He started to get out of Taehyung's arms.

"Wait you forgot something." Taehyung said and pulled him back. He cupped Jimin's cheek with his hands and pulled him closer. They kissed sweetly before Taehyung let Jimin go. "Text me when you get home boyfriend."

"I'll make sure to that boyfriend." Jimin said. He waved for a cab and before he went in he blew a kiss to Taehyung who pretended to catch it and put it on his lips. Jimin grinned as they drove away. Taehyung smiled and went back inside where the other laughed as he seemed like he was in the 7th heaven. He felt extremly happy that he found Jimin and knew that their relationship would last a long time because no one had ever made him that happy.

Short imagines with BTS shipsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin