"Hey, Benjamin?"


Harry slid one of the glasses across the table to the child,"How did you reach the cabinet for the glass?"

Benjamin shrugged, "I cwimed da cownta,"

It took Harry a few seconds to decipher the words and when he did he was astonished, "Excuse me! Did you just say you climbed the counter?"

Benjamin nodded and smiled.

"How did you manage that?"

"My uwncl Fwank tauht me how to cwime. Nico sed ith becuth he is a monky at heart." Benjamin seemed to think that was funny, and giggled to himself.

At Harry's inquisitive look, Benjamin merely shrugged, "Inthide joke."

Harry nodded, "Why did you come down here by yourself? Where are your parents?"

"Percy ad Nico tink ith thafe here with yoo guys. They sed ith was okay to ged thome water by mythelf."

Harry nodded, feeling touched that Percy and Nico trusted them, though, Harry admitted, he had a strange feeling that Benjamin could hold his own anyway.

Benjamin finished his glass of water and jumped of the chair, his head disappearing beneath the high table. Harry, who hadn't touched his glass, snorted and ducked his head down to see the short child frowning as the top of the table came just higher than his head.

"I see you inherited Nico's height then, right?"

Benjamin smiled and walked underneath the table over to the side Harry was sitting at.

"Im bowed, can i play wid yoo?"

"Umm, what do you want to do?"

Benjamin frowned for a moment, then brightened considerably, "Can yoo wead me a thtory?"

"Uh, sure, why not." Harry said, baffled. "You want to read 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard'?"

Benjamin nodded eagerly and grabbed Harry's hand, dragging him away from the table.

"Percy started to wead it to me, bu we newer fwinished it," Harry idly noticed how, despite Benjamin's limited speaking ability, he always pronounced his parents names correctly.

"I weally like da thtory of da hopping pot," Benjamin said, leading Harry towards the drawing room.

"Really?" said Harry absentmindedly and quickly changed the topic to a subject he'd been thinking about for a while now. "Hey, Benjamin," He started, but was interrupted.

"Cawl me Benny, pepol owny cawl me Benjamin if im in twouble,"

"Oh, okay then... Benny. Do Percy and Nico... have... a... um... a reading problem?" He winced self-consciously.

Benja-Benny nodded. "Dey hav disalesia,"


Benny frowned, and said the word again, sounding out each syllable. "Duh-i-sss-l-e-k-sss-ee-a,"

The word sounded familiar to Harry and he racked his brain trying to remember something he probably picked up from his time in the muggle world with the Dursleys.

"Dyslexia?" he wondered out loud, "What does that do again?"

Benny looked at Harry disapprovingly, how a three year old could look disproving was beyond Harry, and cleared his throat as if he was going to make a speech.

"Disalesia is a jenewal terwm fowa disowders dat invowve difficuwty in wearning to wead owa intewapret words, wetters, ad oder simbols, but dat do not affect jenewal intellijence," Benny rattleted of the sentence as if he had practised it many times before.

"Wow, that sounds like a mouthful. Where did you learn that?"

Benny puffed out his chest with pride, but then simply said, "Annabeth," as if that explained everything.

Deciding not to pry, they walked the rest of the way to the drawing room in silence, albeit whatever Benny seemed to be humming under his breath.

It wasn't that long of a walk but Harry was glad when they finally arrived.

Well, that was until he realised that half the order was sitting in there.

Luckily for him, Percy and Nico were there as well. On the opposite side of the room from the wizards Harry noted. He made a beeline for them, Benny following two steps behind, ignoring the stares he was receiving from the members of the order.

Percy and Nico had equally curious and amused looks, well, Percy did. Nico however looked curious and annoyed, but Harry decided it was best to ignore that for now.

"Hey," he said nervously.

Nico raised an eyebrow and turned to Benny. "We send you out to get a glass of water and return with a soaking wizard?" Nico send Harry a look at the second part.

Harry himself, felt a slight blush forming on his cheeks. He had forgotten about the water.

Benny, who didn't seem to notice the tension in the room, gave a toothy grin.

"Harry pwomised to wead me a thtory!"

"Really?" Percy said, flashing a grateful grin. "That was nice of him wasn't it?"

Benny nodded his head enthusiastically.

Percy grinned, "Did you say thank you?"

"He hadnt done it yet," Benny replied.

That made Percy and Nico laugh.

Percy sent a glance at a watch on his wrist that Harry hadn't even noticed he had before. "Well, it's almost six anyway, so we might have to take a rain check. You think they're ready to go?" he nodded to the huddled group of wizards.

"I would think so," Harry said, grimacing, "They probably can't wait to get rid of you," the words had tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop them and he quickly clamped his lips shut, terrified.

To his relief, Percy, who was the only one of the Americans paying attention, merely laughed dryly.

"Yeah, we noticed," to this Percy sighed and broke eye contact. He quickly changed back into an easy demeanor though, and smiled warmly at Harry. "You've at least given us a chance though, thank you." His tone of voice was so sincere that it brought a lump to Harry's throat.

"Your welcome," he mumbled.

Percy quickly glanced at his watch again. "Do you have any idea why Dumbledore made s wait until six? I mean they're clearly uncomfortable with it."

Harry simply shrugged, "Why does Dumbledore do anything?"

Percy grinned, "Well, we'll see you at the beginning of the school year then?" he asked, rising from his chair. Nico and Benny followed.

Harry nodded. The Americans walked over to the group of wizards and exchanged a few quick words. Then just as Mr Weasley and Moody had gripped onto the Americans arms for apparation, he made a snap decision.

"Wait," he called to the group.

"Harry..." Mr Weasley began, uncomfortably.

Harry ignoring him, quickly he snatched up the copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard and nervously handed it to Benny, trying to avoid eye contact with his parents.

"Here," he said quietly. "Sorry I couldn't read it to you."

"Tank you!" Benny said and hugged Harry's legs.

Harry quickly looked up to see the adults reactions, if he ignored the wizards looks of disapproval and shock (which he did) Percy was beaming so wide it looked like his face was about to split in two. Nico, and mind you the same Nico that had done nothing but snapped angrily at everyone since they had first met him, was smiling. Smiling!

Through his shock, Harry made himself smile back. And after they had left he realised that ever since Sirius's death, it was the first smile that hadn't felt forced.

Too sappy? Oh well... the fun starts soon :) So sorry for the long wait btw, I got grounded :D

Adios Mis Amigos, Hasta luego!

- BansheeBunny

HarryPotter and the Grandson of Voldemort PercyJackson and the Annoying Mini-meWhere stories live. Discover now