I admit, I was rude. I seemed to have told her that I really wouldn't care if she told me anything. But it's not what I said! It wasn't what I meant either but it might have came to her that way. I honestly meant that I wouldn't care if she doesn't tell me anything but I would care if she does tell me something. . . that's it!

After a few streets of skateboarding, playing music and listening to my thoughts, I've realised that I'm way over thinking about Taylor. I like her, I do, and it's not hard to but I shouldn't really be thinking about her this much. In fact, it shouldn't even reach this point. I'll be a complete idiot if I this happens often.

I got home before curfew, called up my mum though I'm not quite sure of the time differences. I told her a few things here and there. . . including Taylor Swift but that's it.

The point of no return anyways is when I think about marrying someone but so far, I haven't gotten to that point yet so I shouldn't be worried.

I got to school early the next morning, seeing as it was the number one on my to-do list. Number two is a bit complicated as I've got to do a few things before I get into the school grounds.

I called up Walters Lee and I was greeted by a whole minute of swears, saying he was still sleeping. I'm calling from another country so that costs me a lot, I almost got a bit mad. I ended that call and used Messenger instead.

"Right, so router stuff, wires yada yada, I've done that two weeks ago," I said. "What should I do after?"

"Lad, I've told you that about a hundred times. . . once you've done the steps, look at your fucking laptop."

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Thank you, Lee," I said. I knew what to do, I just wanted to annoy him. "Call ya around." It's about the CCTV cameras and stuff, he's the expert here, he just orders me around.

I walked to Taylor's locker, I ended up using a whole bunch of sticky notes but she won't appreciate the gesture whether it's one, half or the whole. If you're gonna do something, might as well give every effort into it.

Honestly, I'm just planning to annoy her. . . because I want to.

It was less than an hour later, I was very far away from the scene as possible seeing as I was sitting on the wall alone, with my laptop on my lap while I'm eating an apple. It's honestly quite easy to know who I'm stalking right now. . . the one and only Riptide.

Slowly, Taylor opened her locker. She looked at her wristwatch for a moment and then started taking books from her locker.

I was observant. . . a bit too much. I noticed the books she took out were Mathematics and Livelihood. . . the thing is, I have Maths with her yet I don't recall having it at second subject Monday morning.

I tried not to pay too much attention on that and instead, her reaction. How lucky I am to have Taylor's locker near a CCTV.

She probably have found the sticky notes. . .

The first one on her book said,

Will you stop me?

And then said,

Will ya?

And the next sticky note under it says,

Will ya?

I thought I saw her rolling her eyes, I'm not sure, the cameras were pretty blurry. I turned my laptop off after, I'm coming off as a stalker and I don't really want that. I closed my laptop and put it inside my bag.

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