"Why would they hate you?" Camila asked, confused and concerned.

"It's going to sound stupid." Lauren mumbled.

"Nothing you say will sound stupid." She encouraged her wife.

"I feel like they'll hate me for being here for the new baby and not them." Lauren said with her head held down, it was embarrassing that she felt this insecure.

"Laur, they love you so much and they would never hold it against you. You were doing your job and they understand that. Since you've been back you've gone out of your way to spend every moment available with them and you've over compensated with building them they're own freaken arcade and baseball field, they have every toy they could ever ask for. You started a little league team just to spend more time with them. Lauren your a great mom and they would never hate you." Camila reassured her, she knew Lauren was having issues with this when she first came home but just assumed she'd gotten over it. "If your more comfortable telling them at the end of the month then we can do that." She offered.

"We can?" She asked, and her wife nodded. "Thank you, I'll go get the boys." She said giving her wife a kiss, and she went to get the boys so they could tell them the news.

Once they were all sitting around the living room, well everyone else was sitting Lauren was pacing around nervously.

"Spencer do you like being here with us?" Lauren asked the blonde haired boy.

"Yeah, you guys are nice and you have all these cool toys. Do I have to leave now?" He answered honestly, he knew they were just being nice and letting him stay for a little while this wasn't permanent.

"Where are you going spence? Caspian asked, he and his brother were enjoying having him around. He taught them cool things and was like a big brother to them, he didn't want him to leave.

"He's not going anywhere." Camila assured them. "We would like to ask you to live with us, if you would like to of course?" Camila asked Spencer.

"Forever?" Cameron questioned.

"Yeah, would that be okay with you guys?" Lauren asked Cameron and Caspian.

"Yeah, he can be like our big brother right Cam?" Caspian answered excitedly.

"Yeah." Cameron agreed with a little less enthusiasm.

"And you spence, what do you say?" Camila asked.

"Yes, I want to stay." Spencer answered, with a wide grin.

"You can sleep in our room. We have lots of beds." Caspian suggested excitedly.

"Okay, cool." Spencer said nodding his head.

"He has his own bedroom already but he can stay with you guys for a few days while we redecorate it into whatever he wants." Lauren answered, she was the one against Spencer moving in with them and this was her way of extending an olive branch.

"Thanks for letting me stay." Spencer said, getting up and giving Camila a hug. Not even a couple seconds later Caspian was joining in on the hug, what can he say he's a hugger. Cameron and Lauren joined in after some persuading. 

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