Chapter 8 | A Tinge of Jealousy

Start from the beginning

"So what made you come to his town?" he asked as we danced slowly.

"My dad died." I blurted, not taking my harsh tone into consideration.

I didn't focus on his reaction because the rest cup in my hand was much more interesting. I was too tired of the unapologetic apologies I had to hear since dad passed away. I drank the reminder of my drink and dropped the empty cup of the ground. Moving my hands around his neck. He slid his hands to my waist. Gently moving his index finger in circles.

We didn't say anything. Just listened to the music and staring into each other eyes. He looked awfully cute and I couldn't help but bring my face close to his. Our noses touched and our lips were millimeters away but I quickly pulled back. Something within me pulled me back.

"What happened?" Ryan asked looking awfully disappointed. I didn't say anything. I just removed his hands from me and exited the room. I just knew it wasn't what I wanted.

I looked around to see teenagers grinding themselves against one another. Lip locking and quickies in the corners. I looked around for the kitchen to get some water but instead I found a few bottles of whiskey lying on a table. I thought I'd drink just a bit of it but once I started, it was too hard to hold back. I didn't up finishing the half filled bottle. I felt a little dizzy at first but then I slowly walk to the kitchen. It was on the far end of the building. It was full of people from our high school laughing and screaming. People were doing body shots on the counter as others gathered around cheering them on. I found a bowl of chips which I grabbed and started to eat. A few cups filled with some alcohol were next to it so I chucked an entire cup down and grabbed another.

I thought of finding the others so I started to look around the house. I walked up the stairs to find all of them sitting on a few couches.

I sat down next to Luke who was smoking. Brianna made out with Chris while Harry and Eliza did the same. Bellamy and some other girl sat in front of me eating each others faces. The sight of them doing that ticked me off and I snatched the cigarette from Luke's fingers and took a drag as I leaned back on the couch.

"Hey, don't do that! Brianna doesn't like it!" Luke tried to take it from me but I pushed him back. By this time everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"Blake don't do that! I'll tell mom," Brianna threatened.

"Go ahead, like I care." I shrugged off. I took another drag but Bellamy quickly took the cigarette from my hand and drop it on the floor, smashing it with the heel of his shoe.

I glared at him with my eyebrows furrowed. I was ready to say something to him but Eliza quickly broke the tensed atmosphere saying, "lets play truth or dare."

I could find a better way to get back at him.

We formed a circle and spun a beer bottle. It landed on Harry.

"I dare you to dry hump any boy in this room."

He cringed and so did Eliza but he still did his dare. He walked over to the boys playing beer pong and did it to one of them but that boy didn't mind since he was so drunk.

Now that's definitely going on YouTube I thought since everyone whipped out their phones to get a shot of him. We all laughed at Harry who mumbled profanities at us as he rejoined us.

The bottled spun around a few more times, resulting in Luke sitting on Eliza in nothing but his underwear until it was either's turn. Brianna had to twerk to Anaconda and Eliza had to take seven shots of Vodka. It was definitely your average high school party.

I winced when it was my turn. Our dares were getting more and more harder to do with each turn.

"Truth or dare?" Brianna slightly slurred the words.

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