Will Solace |☀| Shoelaces

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As you were watching the sun rise, you were searching for Will Solace. You needed him to do you a favor, but he was nowhere to find.

"Percy, have you seen Will?" You called out for Percy, asking him about Will's whereabouts.

"No, I haven't seen him- Actually, there he is." He responded, pointing with his finger at someone behind you. You turned around to be met my a tripping Will.

"Hey, good morning." He smiled, getting up and dusting his t-shirt.

"Good morning." You smiled back as you played with your hair. "You promised me to compose a medicine vial for me, and since I'm going on a short quest tomorrow, I might need it."

"Yeah, sure thing!" He beamed at you, his lips failing in staying in a straight line. "When do you want us to start? I'm free now."

"Now is a good time." You agreed before following Will into the Apollo cabin.

Will lead you to a table with a variety of medical herbs and liquids; every kind of plant sorted into a jar of its own. As you read what the labels attached to the corks said, Will went to a nearby shelf and fetched a wooden pestle and mortar. He was about to place it on the table when he abruptly tripped over and fell in front of you.

"Oh!" You gasped, trying to hoist him up to his feet.

"Thanks." He muttered, frowning at his scratched up palms. He sighed and went back to face the table and started to grind some dried up leaves, seeds, and flower petals in the mortar. Lips dropping into a saddened face, you noticed his undone shoelaces but decided to bring it up after mixing the ingredients of the medicine you needed.

"And done!" Will triumphantly smiled as he stuck the label to the vial cork. He held it up for you and you gratefully snatched it out of his grasp.

"Thank you!" You gave him a cheeky smile when suddenly your half-siblings came filing in, dragging you with them and disappearing out of the cabin as quickly as they came in. You quickly waved goodbye to Will and shut the door close with you foot.

"We have a big basketball game today!" James, your half-sibling, exclaimed as he carelessly threw on his jersey with his number on.

"Oh!" You gasped, rummaging in your drawers in searches of your own jersey.

On the field, while every one took their stance, murmurs started to go around your team's side of the field. Soon, your teammates started to form a circle, discussing something.

"We're missing a member." Cameron pursed her lips as she faced each member of her team. "Where's Emma?"

The whole team started a new wave of murmurs as they searched each other's faces for a solution. Their voices started to rise up until a panting Peter joined the circle. "Emma is in no shape to play. She just came into our cabin and collapsed on her bed from the coughing fits she's having." He huffed, trying to catch his breath.

"Then what are you guys going to do?" Jack frowned ,dramatically falling on his knees, raising both of his fists and shaking them at the sky.

"We could ask another camper to fill in her place." You suggested, raising your eyebrows at your panicking siblings.

They all looked at you, dumbfounded, as you shook your head. "Yeah, we could do that." Belle muttered as she tried to suppress a slightly ashamed smile.

You spotted Will walking over to the quivers, and on his way, he tripped over, having a mouthful of grass. Breaking out of the circle, you sprinted down the hill and to the rising Will. You snickered as he spluttered out some plucked up blades from his mouth. "We're missing a member on our team. Do you want to take her place?" You smiled at him, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.


On the field, the game went smoothly with a lot of ball passing and shooting. The scores settled on twelve to thirteen, and your team only needed a score to surpass the other team. And now the ball was with Will, dribbling it across the field and dodging the others' tries of snatching the ball. When he reached the basket, he got ready in a stance to jump up and shoot the ball, but the Fates planned something else for him.

As he jumped, his other foot was stepping on his shoelace, resulting in him tripping square on the ground with a loud thump. Low gasps escaped everyone's lips as the ball bounced off the field and the whistle was blown when the specified time ran up.

The opposing members were being hoisted up and cheered for as every camper came to congratulate them. You stood in your place as you watched the happy atmosphere circulating all around the camp with positive words bouncing off of their lips.

"Will?" His name escaped your lips when you turned your head back to the empty spot where the once was lying-on-the-ground Will was.

It didn't take you much time in finding Will. He was sitting alone in front of the lake shore, watching some thrown pebbles as they skipped on the still water surface. He looked all gloomy and sad and miserable, and the only thing that was missing to complete the scene was Zues sending a mini, raining cloud to hover just right above Will's head.

"Why the long face?" You clapped his shoulder comfortingly as you took a seat next to him. Will just raised his foot, showing you the dangling shoelaces from either side. "Yeah, I noticed that. I actually forgot to tell you they were untied." Moments of silence settled in between you and Will until you abruptly faced him. "Now that I mentioned it, why didn't you tie your shoes? You've tripped a lot today."

"Cause," he cleared his throat, "the name's Shoelace. Will Shoelace." He said in a slightly grim voice and a solemn face. His serious demeanor soon flailed out when he sighed in defeated. "Truth is, I can't tie my shoes correctly today. I must've jinxed my perfect bow tying skills when I bragged about it yesterday."

At his try of making puns, you tried to suppress a laugh as low snorts and giggles escaped from in between your pressed lips. You failed as you bursted out laughing uncontrollably, dragging Will with you into the fits of laughter you were having.

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