22 - Rewrite The Future (Determination)

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From stories that were told to children in Alton Point about the killer spree that happened before they were even born or were too little to remember it, a few specific details stood out and stuck in their minds. In Clara's case, there was one she could never forget no matter how hard she tried; the Alton Point Slayer never misses a shot. So when Blake stood up straight and smiled to herself, strolling over to Devon's body casually and rolling her onto her back, Clara was bewildered to see that her friend hadn't received a fatal injury. The bullet - though hidden in her flesh and by the alarming amount of blood – had hit her shoulder, not her heart.

Clara shut her eyes tightly, lowering her head and swallowing to avoid the possibility of throwing up. She didn't think she had seen so much blood in her entire life, nor a wound so gruesome. She had never been one to watch any sort of crime show where people would go to crime scenes and perform autopsies on bodies for their jobs; that was a hobby that Devon and Nate shared, as the horror/crime lovers of the group. She couldn't help but feel a dark ironic presence because of the situation Devon was in now.

"Come on girl, wake up! I hate it when victims die straight away, I missed on purpose so you would live," she could hear Blake mutter before a sharp slap cut through the air.

There was silence for a moment and Clara held her breath, exhaling when she heard a small groan from across the room.

"That's better. Now come on, I can't have you escaping, not that you could now," Blake said with a dark chuckle.

Clara kept her eyes closed, breathing steadily so she could hear Blake dragging Devon across the room. She could hear struggling but was too afraid to look, too scared of the horror she might see. Her hands were shaking, causing the ropes around her wrists to rub together and cause her pain, yet at the same time causing the fibers to fray from the incisions Devon had made while trying to free her earlier.

"You are so lucky you're not dead already," Blake said spitefully, a clicking sound reaching Clara's ears, followed by footsteps growing distant.

Clara slowly raised her head, opening her eyes to see her aunt across the room, standing over the table while going through her extensive torture tool collection. She bit her lip, her gaze then falling on her friend.

Devon had been dragged over to the corner, her back against the dented wall. Handcuffs cut into her wrists, which rested weakly in her lap to avoid further irritating the bullet wound in her shoulder. Her legs were splayed out in front of her in a manner that wouldn't put pressure on her injured ankle. She was somehow conscious despite her pale complexion and the horrific pain she should've been in. Her glare towards Blake was intimidating, though slightly unfocused. Her jaw was clenched as if to stop herself from making a smart-ass comment that would get her killed sooner.

"You should've left when you had the chance," Clara said aloud, breaking the silence.

Devon's glare was broken as she looked at Clara, blinking slowly to keep her concentration on her friend "What chance? I didn't have one from the moment this mess all started" She replied bitterly.

Clara groaned and looked away, "If my aunt doesn't kill you, your dad will. Coming here was a mistake" she said.

Devon shook her head, "The police were useless. I tried calling for help when the camera feeds all went down but it didn't help; they thought I was making a prank call. You were about to be killed any second and I couldn't let that happen!" she argued, growing more desperate by the second.

"You had a chance to live Devon! Before you left, did you even think about your family? Your other friends? How much pain would they go through if you died as well? You clearly don't understand the consequences of coming here!" she blurted out. Before taking a moment to calm herself down. "Why Devon, why did you need to be the hero?"

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