18 - Uh, Ever Heard of Consent...?

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Hayley came to in circumstances that were less than satisfactory; for one thing, she woke up suddenly to both see and feel a large needle in her arm. Her heart was racing, breathing laboured as she began to take in the scene around her. She caught a flash of pastel and a wicked grin in her spinning vision, causing her to fling back in shock, resulting in the back of her head colliding with the hard wooden chair she was held against. She shut her eyes tightly and groaned, clenching her fists in pain.

After letting out ragged breaths, she opened her eyes again, coming face-to-face with Indiana, who was kneeling at her height while brandishing a knife. Hayley narrowed her eyes and cocked her head a little; as much as she didn't like her for various reasons, she couldn't help but notice how off she seemed. Indiana looked psychotic - a look that she'd never shown a glimpse of before – and if she didn't know any better, she would've thought that the girl in front of her was a totally different person.

Indiana then walked over to the familiar metal table, grinning from ear to ear while cackling under her breath. Memories came flooding back to Hayley as the familiarity of the room set in. She had been dragged in here and remembered every second of it, that is, up until the moment she was tased by Nate's ex. She bit her lip as she began to feel the taser marks in her neck burning again. Her eyes then drifted to herself, seeing her assorted restraints. There were leather straps spread securing her forearms, leaving intervals of skin in between each one. Other straps secured her waist, chest, and legs to the body of the chair, allowing her restricted movement.

"Hayley!" a voice interrupted her observations.

The redhead looked up and saw Nate himself, shirtless and secured to a bed across from her. She internally questioned why she was the one completely secured – with no chance of getting out by herself - yet Nate had only one of his arms secure. Indiana probably had plans for him later, or both of them. She dreaded either scenario.

"What the hell?! Is Indie trying to rape you or something?" Hayley said aloud, her filter temporarily unavailable.

"She is a psychopath, don't give her any more ideas! Hell, this doesn't even seem to be Indiana, don't ask me how that is possible..." He hissed in response.

"Oh, I was going to do that anyway. What did you think I meant by 'fun'?" Indiana interrupted, before turning her attention to Hayley. "To make this easier for you both to understand, I am not the Indiana you know, heck, you'll wish I was her when I begin the torture I have planned for you both... Split personalities can be a bitch, ya know?" she said, pouting while twirling strands of her pastel-coloured hair.

Oh brother, Hayley thought, rolling her eyes. "So my torture is that I have to watch you rape Nate? Or do you have other plans on top of that?" she asked sarcastically.

The girl turned her head to the side and walked around to stand in front of her slowly. "You never were very observant, were you Hayley? Did you wonder at all why that chair is so thick?" She asked, sadistic tones lying in her voice.

Hayley narrowed her eyes, shaking her head gently "No. I was too busy freaking out at the fact that Nate even went out with you. What the hell did he ever see in you...?" she said.

"Oi, leave me out of this. It was her that went out with me!" Nate exclaimed, trying to defend himself. Indiana silenced him by holding up her hand and sending him a glare.

"Very distracted too, I see. Well then, I should get a move on with this" she said, smirking back at Hayley as she reached out and pulled a small lever on the side of the chair.

The sound of gears cranking and metal grinding filled the room, making the teens' hair stand on end. Before anyone realized what was happening, little wooden hatches slid back from the chair limbs. Circular metal blades of different sizes stuck out in the blink of an eye, positioning themselves above the intervals on Hayley's arms. Separate sharp blades poked through the back of her shirt, protruding a little from the back of the chair. Hayley's skin became paler, flinching as the new blades were poking out just enough to dig into her back without breaking the skin.

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