12 - Mz. Hyde

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Most residents of Alton Point resided in the more central, middle-class suburbs. Then again, the De Angeline family were not like most residents; they had a large house in the well-kept 'rich' suburb of Rosalie, one with two floors and a fancy looking natural pool and vast gardens, with all the bedrooms the size of master ones, and a cliché white fence out the front, not many people could ask for more. Indiana, however, asked for more normality. Not necessarily home-wise – she adored the space she had and was very aware and thankful for what she had – but rather in family and behaviour.

As she pulled up to her home and slammed the door of her blue Jaguar XE shut, she could feel her head pounding and her chest tightening with every passing second. Before anyone in the house could notice she was home or ask if she was okay, she had already locked herself in her room upstairs, something she had had to do more than once before. Indiana clutched her head in her hands and pressed her back to the door, bringing her knees to her chest and shutting her eyes tightly to concentrate solely on her breathing.

These were the times where she most wanted to be normal.

As long as Indiana could remember, she had suffered from what doctors labeled as an extremely rare mental disorder, one that they could not pinpoint in terms of origin. To draw a comparison, they described it as a mutation of a cross between Bi-Polar and Multiple Personality Disorder. Sufferers are first diagnosed at around the ages of 10-12 years, with early signs beginning to show. The full effects would manifest during one's teen years, where the hormones were most unstable and the disorder was most unpredictable and hardest to control. This is when a sort of 'Split Personality' would first come about.

In addition, the disorder was genetic, so while not always present in every person or generation, the gene carries on in the bloodline. Indiana's father carried the gene so it was inevitable that she would be found to have the disorder. Her case was a hard one to deal with and without a proper treatment, there wasn't many outsiders could do to help her. Indiana's split was almost impossible to control and possessed traits that were commonly found in sociopaths and the mentally disturbed; something she had no control over or recollection of, as the split would cause her to experience memory loss. Fortunately, she had a partial relief.

Indiana kept her genius a secret, which became helpful once her disorder got serious. She found a common link from the evidence of her 'splits' that the other personality was a polar opposite to how a person was normally. Therefore, she came to the conclusion that bridging the gap between the two would bring her relief and allow her to live more normally. At first, it was difficult for her to come to grips with, as her conscience would feel guilt every single time she acted like a bitch or let her fake ego take over, but she soon fell into a pattern and found it surprisingly easy to fake being popular. 'Fake it till you make it', someone had once told her. That was easier said than done once her emotions took over, though, and her break-up with Nate reignited the spark of her split.

Indiana began rocking back and forth, gritting her teeth and digging her manicured nails into her scalp, hating what she had let herself become. Fake, rich, egotistical, bitchy, whiny, demanding, heartless; she'd become everything she had once despised just to try and cope with her split personality. Her fabrication of a lie was no longer worth it. It wasn't worth having everyone hate her anymore and having her only friends be as complex and humane as a rat. She suddenly stopped rocking, beginning to tremble when her mind was invaded with voices she hadn't heard in 3 years.

"No! I dealt with you years ago, I don't want you here! GO AWAY!" Indiana shouted, scrambling over to her bed, her eyes darting around the room rapidly.

'Indiana, stop pushing us away'
'Yeah Indie, join us'
'Embrace your true insanity' the voices echoed.

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