Dylan Frazier

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After dealing with my first class with Ryan staring at me, I made it to my next class, where people didn't stare; I felt relieved. I hate the stares. They made me uncomfortable, and I tried to avoid people at all costs because of it.

The next class is history. The same old stuff, repetitive and annoying. The past is the past; let's keep it that way.

The same thing happened. Introduced as the 'new' girl, roll call, whispers, stares, blah, blah, blah. You get the drift. The teacher called everyone's name, and you could hear all the here's except one and guess who has an empty desk next to mine? Yep, that would be the absent student. Well, at least I won't have some creepy guy staring at me throughout the class like the last guy.

Making my way to biology, I entered with the same thing. It's getting old now. I get it. I'm the 'new' girl but didn't need a constant reminder. I'm sure the word has spread about me. I took my seat and sat down as kids piled into their seats.

The teacher did roll call when a student strolled in with a big cheesy grin. He stood about five foot ten with dark brown hair and frosted blonde tips with piercing green eyes that looked emeralds' color. He also has a mischievous look to go with him.

"Ah, Mr. Frazier, so glad you could grace us with your presence," the teacher said with a slight smile.

"Well, you are my favorite teacher, Cassen, and you know your class would bore without me," he said, matching with an equally enormous grin.

"Okay, take your seat and Frazier. Please try not to cause too much damage in class like you did last year," the teacher reminded him.

"I make no promises, Cassen," he grinned.

He strolled over and sat down next to me. We sat at lab tables, considering it's the science class.

Sitting there, listening to the teacher, I looked over to find him looking at me with his chin in his palm like he's studying a specimen. I quickly diverted my eyes. Yep, another creepy guy. Just my luck. I'm so deep in thought that I didn't hear someone calling me. I looked over to see him waving his hand in front of my face.

"New girl, I take it," he said to me.

I nodded, shifting in my seat.

"You're quiet too, hmm, interesting," he added.

What does that mean? I want to scream that at him, but again, I nodded.

"Well, I see you're a tough nut to crack and a challenge. So challenge accepted. I get you to talk, laugh, and be my BFF if it's the last thing I do," he said with a flutter of his lashes. With that, I broke into a slight smile.

"One point, team Frazier!" he exclaimed, dancing in his seat.

I looked at him and finally spoke in a soft tone. "You're on."

His mouth dropped open, and I stood up as the bell rang and went to lunch. For the first time, I left The Frazier speechless.

I have a feeling with this guy; all bets are off. He didn't strike me as the dangerous type and seemed more like the happy-go-lucky type. I wouldn't mind becoming friends with him. I guess we'll find out soon enough. Something told me I would deal with Frazier soon.

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