Just talking about it had made her teared up. Lauren knew how the girls were struggling. Truly, they all were; they just handled it a bit better, but the two youngest could literally be seen pacing like lions in cages some days.

"You have toys and everything now, but if you do feel like that, I want you to come to me, alright? I'll try to find you something to do that won't have you end up in the corner. Okay?"

Camila just nodded. She wasn't sure how effective that'd be, but she'd try to do it. Relying on someone turned out to be a harder than it seemed to her. Not talking about what was wrong was like a second nature by now, something close to muscle memory. She had to admit, though, that it felt great to be so open with someone who craved to know all her inner turmoil. She still had in mind Lauren's words about needing her to need her, and she promised herself to do better.

"Alright, how about you finish your bottle, and go back to sleep, baby?"

"I'm not sleepy anymore, can I play instead?"

"We'll see after you've finished your bottle."


"Uh-uh, no buts. Drink up."

Before she could complain anymore, Lauren put the bottle back to her lips, and readjusted them again, so that Camila's back was to her front. With her free hand she repositioned the warm stuffies on each side of Camila, and pulled the pink blanket over them. She could already feel Camila relax against her, and decided to start gently rub her tummy. She had seen Camila do it to herself many times before when she was relaxing. Camila closed her eyes at the feeling, infinitely soothed by the gentle petting. After a while, she even reached for her hand to pull it under her shirt, directly in contact with her skin.

"Such a kitten...You comfy, baby?"


She gently took the bottle out of her mouth once it was empty, an action followed by unhappy grunts that stopped the second she replaced the bottle by the mushroom.

"Shh... go to sleep, kitten. I'm right here."

It didn't take long for her breath to slow and for her body to completely relax. To say Lauren was proud was an understatement.


The question was thankfully whispered by Dinah.

"I pulled her back to sleep."

"Awesome, I'll try to be quiet, then."

"Thanks, DJ. Goodnight, girl."

"Goodnight, Laur."

In the quiet darkness of the bunk, Lauren suddenly felt drained. Holding Camila from their room to the bus had been no easy feat, but she hated the idea of waking her up when she was so deeply asleep. Next thing she knew, she was asleep too.


The scream woke Lauren with a jump, her body blocked by another one. Camila.

"Shh, wake up, baby. It's just a bad dream, come on."

Since talking didn't turn out to be really effective, she pulled the girl to her, cradling her as best as she could, and rocked her after turning on the little light in the bunk.

"Come on, open those pretty eyes, love."


"Yeah, it's over baby, it was just a dream."

"I hate those."

Camila was trying to calm her tears that were now reduced to sniffles and little hiccups. She knew Dinah was sleeping not too far from them, and she didn't want to wake her up too.

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