New Character! Petra!

Start from the beginning

First Date
For your first date, Petra took you to a small pond that wasn't't far from the Survey Corpse Castle. It was night time do no one else was around, and the moon shown off the pond beautifully. You were just cuddling with Petra and talking about random things. "This has been an awesome date Petra." You smiled. She smiled back at you. "I'm glad you like it. It's not really anything fancy though." Petra ran her fingers through your hair. "What do you mean 'Fancy'? This date is perfect." You replied. "Well, I'm still glad you enjoyed it. There's not much time to relax anymore." You nodded. "Yeah. It's scary to thing you could die any given moment." "But that won't happen alright?" "Alright."

When You Get Jealous
Levi and Petra have been hanging out for the past few days and Petra was always talking about him. It was driving you crazy. Currently you were talking to Petra in your dorm, though it was more like her talking and it was about Levi. "He's just so, so, Mysterious!" She exclaimed. You rolled your eyes but nodded your head. "Yeah..." "And his Height! He's a bit taller then me though." "He's pretty short." "And He's Humanity's strongest!" You had enough and just stood up and walked out the door, slamming it. Petra was confused, before she realized her mistake. Standing up, she quickly went after you.
"Y/n!" You heard Petra yell as she walked quickly down the Hallway. "...." You didn't give her a response. "Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't now you would get jealous of the Corporal." You turned around and crossed your arms. "I wasn't jealous." Petra nodded. "Alright. Then you weren't jealous." "Damn right I wasn't."

When They Get Jealous
Eren. Petra was jealous of Eren. The two of you always hung out together during meals, during training, even when there was no training, the two of you would still hang out together. Currently it was lunch and you were talking to Eren. "So, how're the horses doing?" He asked. Smiling, you replied "They're doing great! I washed them earlier as well." Eren smiled back at you. A cross the table, Petra was sending glares at Eren, though he didn't notice them, you did. After a few more minutes of talking and Petra sending glares, you decided to talk to her about it. "Hey, Petra, may I talk to you, for a minute?" You asked standing from your seat. Petra nodded and the two of you walked outside of the Dining Room. "What has gotten into you?" You ask turning towards Petra. She avoided eye contact and frowned. "I'm...Sorry." You sighed. "Petra, were....were you jealous?" You questioned. She nodded her head and looked to the ground. You smiled and gave her a hug, much to her surprise. "Aw. It's okay." You said, kissing her cheek. She blushed and hugged back. "I'm glad you're not mad." She replied. "Now, why would I be mad? It's an emotion, there's nothing we can do about it."

You Try To Scare Them
You have been hiding in the stables since Lunch, waiting for Petra. You were doing this because, yesterday she thought it would be funny to scare the crap out of you after Dinner, so now, you want revenge. You had told her earlier that you wanted to meet with her to talk about something serious and now, your were going to get your revenge once and for all. (Damn Reader-chan.) A few minutes later, you started hearing footsteps getting louder as they approached the Stables. You smirked as you saw Petra walk by you completely unnoticed. You slowly, and quietly walked up behind her. "Booo!" You shouted. Petra jumped and screeched, while you started laughing your ass off. "You should've seen your face!" You laughed. Petra blushed and crossed her arms. "Shut up..." You smiled and stood up, kissing her cheek. "Hey don't be upset." "I'm not. I am just recovering from almost having a heart attack." She smiled.

You Get Sick!
You had woken up with a really bad Headache and sore stomach. It was so bad that you couldn't even stand up without wanting to puke or get really dizzy. On the bright side, you had the best Girlfriend in the world who had offered to take care of you! Yay! Currently, you were in bed, freezing. "P-Petra, It's cold.." You mumbled. Petra sighed and put another blanket on top of you. "Are you still cold?" She asked. You shook your head. "No, but I could cuddle." You smiled. Petra rolled her eyes and laid down next to you as the two of you cuddled.

First Fight!
Petra had been upset at you for a few days now, and the reason for that was because, she was going on an expedition, without you. You weren't aloud to go because a few days earlier, you had sprained your wrist after falling off a horse. But, when she told you she was going you immediately told her that she wasn't aloud to go. You never meant to sound rude, but you just didn't want to lose Petra. So, currently, you were looking for Petra in the Dining Hall, when you spotted her talking to Olou. "Hey! Petra!" She looked up at you and quickly frowned. You walked to her table and sat down across from her. "So, how has your day been?" You asked smiling at her. She just frowned. "None of your business." She hissed. You also frowned. "Okay, well.... How have you've been doing in Training?" You tried a smile but failed. "Okay....I guess.." She glared at you. "Look, Petra is this about what happened the other day?" "Wait what Happened the other day?" Olou asked. "Y/n, Here, decided that I'm not aloud to go on the upcoming expedition." " And I have a reason why I won't!" You shouted. "I fear I'm going to lose you!" You admitted, close to crying. Petra was shocked, as was everyone else in the Dining Hall. You shook your head. "Petra...I-Never mind, J-Just....Stay safe." You mumbled as you walked out of the Dining Room.

After The Fight
After the scene in the Dining Hall, you went to the stables to go for a short ride. Walking in, you grabbed your Horse H/n (Horse's Name).
After saddling and preparing for your ride, you hoped on and began at a fast gallop. You knew you shouldn't of told Petra she couldn't go, but you didn't want to lose another loved one. You had lost too many.
------With Petra------
Petra sat in shock. "W-What.....?" She asked herself quietly. "Petra? Did you know that she just wanted you safe?" Olou asked. "N-No. I didn't.... Why didn't she just tell me?" Petra stood up from her seat and began walking towards the Dining Rooms doors. "Where are you going?" Olou called. "Going to find Y/n and apologize." She answered walking out.

Someone Else?
You thought no one notice you were gone, so when you went to put your horse back in the stables, You were surprised to see Eren there, smirking. "Hey Y/n." He greeted Happily. "Oh...Hey Eren." You mumbled. He gave you s confused look by your lack of happiness. "You okay? You seem...Down." He asked concerned. You hesitantly nodded your head. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine, really." You smiled as you hoped off your horse and put it back into the stall. Eren eyes you, not really believing your lie. Suddenly, much to your surprise, he hugged you. "E-Eren?" " I know you're lying. You don't have to tell me what Happened, but it's not good to hold your emotions." He told. In that instant, you burst into tears and hugged Eren closer, telling him everything that happened.
---With Petra (Her P.O.V)----
I walk towards the stables when I hear Y/n crying. I quickly speed up my walk to the stables, but stopped at the scene. There was Eren hugging her, while she was crying. I could hear her explain everything that happened and guilt fills me. I never wanted to hurt her, I was just....Caught up in the moment. But, after seeing this, I'll have to make it up to her somehow. I turned around, and began to quickly walk away, thinking of different ways to apologize.

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