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Justin's POV

Lately you've been busy, wondering if you miss me..

Does she miss me?

Why did you go against me? I just wanna know..

She moved on. It makes me wonder why.

How come you act so different? Talk to me I'll listen.

She's been acting different, for four months.

All the love I'm giving. Don't act like you don't know..

I gave her my heart, she still moved on and left.

I was out there on the road, life out of control..

Paparazzi getting in my business, people breaking me.

She became a victim to my busy schedule..

I let her in my life, knowing fame would break us both.

And I know that it's not fair, that don't mean that I don't care..

I do care about her, she was all that matters.

This ones dedicated to the girl out there..

The girl who broke contact for me, for four months.

Girl you always catch me at the bad time..

She always knew me at my worst, she just didn't see my best.

When I know you probably think it's a lie..

It's not a lie, she just won't believe me.

I know I told you last time was the last time..

I promised her I wouldn't be depressed, but I still am.

How could you pull the plug and leave me flatline?

She knew I would come to an end one day, my life. This time is the right time. This is when I'll go flatline.






Woah.. what do you think Justin did?

This part was a little different. It used a song.

Song Used: Flatline - Justin Bieber.

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