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Selena's POV

Me and Justin were still at Demi's house since everybody was here and I was trying my best to forget about the fake dating thing but it just has a way to pop back in my head again.

Do you ever have those feelings when, you just wanna throw everything. What I mean is just throw your life away, like you feel worthless. I don't feel worthless and I'm just upset that I'm letting someone I love kiss other people. It's my responsibility, I agreed to this but it hurts inside. I guess all I could do now is ignore it. But this is a mess.

This will all be a disaster.

"So when are you telling the media that you guys 'divorced'." Ashley said while using quotations with her fingers around the word 'divorced'.

"I don't know. I have no idea when Justin and Scooter planned all this. I just hope this doesn't break anything up." I sighed and put Kendall on my lap.

"Sel, it's alright. I get how your feeling, and just remember this is all fake. It's just for the media and Leah is nice and she said she doesn't want to screw with yours and Justin's relationship alright? Now just chill and let's have a fun girls day before you leave tomorrow for the interview." Khloe said and I smiled.

I honestly don't know what I'd do without friends like these. They make me feel so happy whenever I'm feeling horrible and I just love them so much.

I got a text from Justin then saying;

Justin -

Hey, when are we leaving? I'm really getting tired.

Selena -

Uh, yeah sure meet me at the car with Mason. I have Kendall.


"Okay girls, I'll see you guys next week, it's getting late." I smiled and hugged them all.

"We'll miss you. Even though it's just a week." Demi laughed and we all hugged and did our girl thing then I met Justin at the car.


The car ride home was silent, just like it's been the whole day but I ignored it.
We got home and Justin just went to watch the celebrity gossip.

"It's time for your update on Jelena. Rumors have been spreading that Justin and Selena have divorced. Is it true? We aren't sure yet but we have some secret sources telling us they did and Justin moved on already. Is it true? For my opinion, I don't think it's true. They had a fun day at Disneyland with Demi, Ryan and their kids, Kendall and little baby boy, Mason. If you have any update on this, please tell us on Twitter. This is your update, on celebrity gossip." The T.V stated.

Justin sighed angrily and threw the remote on the ground. He looked frustrated, very frustrated. But can I blame him? No. This isn't his fault. It's what being famous gets you. All this drama and a whole lot of messing up.

"J, calm down. It'll all be over before you know it, okay?" I said and sat down next to him.

"Sel, how do you think Kendall will react when she sees me kissing another girl in front of you. She doesn't understand. I don't understand anymore. My life is being controlled around and I can't help it but be angry." Justin said and laid his back down.

"I know Justin, but we don't know the future yet. I'm just hoping this all just doesn't blow up in our faces. I'm sorry also that I let you say yes to it." I sighed.

"Sel, you just did what you had to do. But always remember that I don't like those fake girlfriends that I'll be with. Just remember I love you okay? And don't get jealous, your lips will taste much better." Justin chuckled and I laughed slightly.

"You always have a way of making things funnier than they seem. And I love you to." I smiled and kissed his cheek.


The next day me and Justin had to get ready for the interview on this show with the kids. It's the day we have to explain the whole fake divorce and Justin's fake girlfriend thing and I'm honestly freaking out.

"Are you ready Kendall?" I asked her and Kendall came our dressed in her little sweater and floral leggings with boots. Little girl got style.

"Yes mommy, can we go now? I wanna be on T.V." Kendall giggled and I laughed slightly.

"Yeah well I don't." I mumbled and got Mason ready as we all headed to the car and started driving to where they are holding the interview.

"So are you worried?" Justin asked me and I just nodded my head no.

"I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not.
What if they don't believe that the divorce is fake?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure they will. We just have to make it seem realistic. We'll figure it out, now just relax." Justin said and I relaxed as he told me.

This interview is going to be hard. I could already feel it for some reason.

This will all probably blow up in our faces.


Hoped you liked this part. :)
What do you think will happen at the interview?

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