Chapter 5

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Hi guys!~

Sorry for not updating as quick as possible, I've got a lot of things going on, but I hope that with every chapter, all of you are still anxious onto reading the next.


Once again, I do not own the original series of Avatar: The Last Air Bender  nor its original characters except the OCs! 


"Let yourself be at peace, open your mind," Jiao said as he continued teaching his young pupil along with Kahn.

"Inhale... and exhale..."

The wind slightly picked up, blowing a cool breeze.

"...Do not let anything distract y-"

He stopped as he heard ruffling noises coming from where Omi sat.

"Omi! What are you doing!''

The young girl was caught creating a decorative piece with flowers other than continuing along with her lesson.

"Oh... um... making a flower crown?" She replied. Jiao only narrowed his eyes.

"I'm sorry Master Jiao but... meditating just isn't my thing," Omi sighed.

"Isn't your thing? you think that meditating is just a thing we benders do to pass time?"

"Uh... no,sir."

"Of course not! Meditation helps you to clear your mind and control it."

"Yeah, I know," She said fidgeting the petals of the crown.

"If you ever want to master fire bending, you must first leave these foolish things behind." Jiao said, pointing at the crown.

" can we at least take a break?" Omi asked.

Jiao sighed then dismissed her.

"But only for 10 minutes, then we'll continue." He added.

Omi pouted but she left.

Kahn finally opened his eyes and look towards the white-haired master.

"Take it easy, she's still growing." He reassured his father-in-law.

"I don't know Kahn, sometimes I figured that maybe this is all a mistake."

"Don't tell me, the great-strict-teacher-of-mastering-fire-bending is giving up on a pupil?"

To be honest, Omi was slow on learning fire bending, the techniques, the stances and meditation, even that alone was an example of how bad of a pupil she has become, but the only person she leans on, and listens to more closely, was Nuan.

Of course, their relationship became more bonded over time. And, as a woman and housewife, Nuan taught her how to sew, cook, clean and work in the fields. Then, she taught her to do small fun things like, weaving, knitting, making flower crowns and dolls out of straws of hay. But to Jiao and learning the basics of fire bending, Omi never took it seriously.

"Maybe she's the one giving up too easily." Jiao said to himself.

"What do you mean?" Kahn asked.

"When I first talked to her about training, she seemed.. very uncertain, in fact, I sensed that the thought about mastering fire bending practically scared her. That's why she doesn't do well nor pays full attention... she doubts herself."

Kahn sat quietly in thought, he stood up and head towards the direction where Omi went.

"Where are you going?" Jiao asked.

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