Chapter 2 (Pt. 1)

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Zuko walked through the halls, he looked out the windows watching the birds fly, eying at the Fire Nation's City that will someday become his.

When his Grandfather passed away unexpectantly, His father was there to receive the throne, now that he's the Fire lord, Zuko and Azula are now crowned as Prince and Princess of the fire nation.

Zuko as the oldest and only male child would be next in line for the throne. Hopefully it would be enough to win his father's approval.

Maybe it was a chance to be seen as his son, than being neglected.

When His Uncle Iroh came back from the siege at Ba Sing Se, to Zuko's surprise, His Uncle did not fight back for his right to the throne. Zuko didn't dare to ask him why, he was afraid that he would see his Uncle like how Azula saw him; an "Old fool who only talks nonsense and tea,"
But Zuko always saw his Uncle as Kind and wise, besides, He treats him better than his own Father.

"Why so silent Zuzu?" Azula asked when she caught him staring out the windows, Zuko never faced her, Azula crossed her arms and then smirked.
"Thinking about Mei?"

~Oh yeah, she lives right outside.~ He thought kindly, ever since his mother left and Omi was taken, Mei became more communicative with him, she's a nice girl, though he had to admit he's still trying to warm up to her since she is still considered as Azula's friend and he wasn't crazy with the idea of being around his sickening sister.

But then again, he misses the conversations he had with Omi and the games they've played, but Azula kept telling him to forget everything,

"Ugh, forget about it, those games were stupid and childish, If she was still here she would just get in the way,"

He frowned remembering what she said, but he couldn't help to feel as if half of it was the truth.

"Besides she's the past and being stuck in the past isn't wise, now that you're the crown prince and rightful heir to the throne, you must look ahead and prepare for that big responsibility"

Although he knew that his Sister's words were wise at that point but it was plain jealousy hiding behind a mask, Zuko sighed and shooked his head, he decided that his destiny from now on is set to a new road: Please his father, have an honorable name and become a powerful leader.

"You're so weird," Azula sighed when her brother never said a word.

"Azula, wait," He walked up to her,

"Have you seen Uncle?"

Azula arched a brow,

"He's at the pavilion, remember?" She sighed,

"It's tea time for the old man," She rolled her eyes at the thought of a man who's only pleasure is to sit and drink a hot beverage,

He turned without another word, heading up the hall.

"Exactly what were thinking, Zuko?"

A lot of things; things gained, things lost, things unknown.

"Nothing..." He responded coolly,

"absolutely nothing"

This left Azula even more confused.

"Hmph, even more weirder than I thought," She murmured as she walked the opposite direction.

One morning, Omi woke up sleeping on a tree that she climbed to spend the night, it was not the most comfortable, but being a slave, what is exactly comfortable? She untied the rope(stolen) that she always used to secure herself to the tree branch in case if she ever fell. She took of her cape (stolen) and fold it nicely, placing it into her new pack (stolen) and swung it over her back before climbing down ever so carefully.

She muttered to herself why she had the brilliant idea to climb higher than usual, on a 10 foot tall tree! she carefully placed a foot on one branch, but then the weight from her pack shifted unexpectantly, making her lose her grip and slipping. She struggled but the weight from her pack pulled her down until she finally fell.

She was falling, she tried to let out a scream until her head hit hard against one of the branches. Luckily her pack broke her fall, but her head spinned and quickly lost consciousness.

The sun went down, only a few rays of light divided the night and day. A weary traveler came towards the path, it was until his Ostrich-horse blinked and squawk towards a direction way-off the road, the stranger tried to calm his beast but it ran toward a tall tree and stopped only a few meters away, he jumped down and observed the beast curiously who stared straight ahead, he followed it's gaze.

There was a girl, lying unconsciously nearby a tall tree. He gasped and ran towards the body, Her head was bleeding, he lightly placed his fingers on the side of her neck, a pulse was felt, he was relieved that she was still alive, but barely.

He bandaged the girl as best as he could. He couldn't stay to help the girl in plain forest, her injury must be taken care of right away by a real doctor.

So he picked the weightless girl up into his arms and placed her on top of the beast. He patted the Ostrich-horse's head.

Smart Animal.

"Come on, there's still a journey ahead of us," He said as he pulled the reins, leading them towards home.

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