Chapter 4 (Pt.1 )

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The week started with a rainy and dull weather.

What would one do in a big palace? Other than roaming about and studying in the library. Azula was finally able to reach with her friends, of course, they're the ones who have to sacrifice themselves to get to the palace through this horrible weather. But since their loyalty is greater it didn't seem like it mattered.

"So Azula, what do you think we should do?" Ty lee asked curiously,

"Ugh, I wish we can go outside, this weather is really bugging me,"

Azula looked up toward the sky and back to her friends, then an idea sparked.

"I know, how about a game of hide-and-seek?" She said,

"Um, aren't we getting old for that game?" Mei pointed out,

"You're never too old for a classic, besides, what else do you have in mind?"

Mei sighed and shrugged, They ran to find places to hide while Azula counted. Mei ran upstairs and decided to hide in the library, no... that would be an obvious place to look, maybe in the west wing? Mei continued until she turnes a corner and bumped into someone.

They both fell and it didn't took a while for Mei to realize who she bumped into.

Zuko stood slowly, he was brushing himself off while Mei continued looking at him.

"What? you're not going to apologize?" He said, sounding stern. Mei jumped into realization, she slowly stood up and bowed.

"I'm sorry... P-Prince Zuko."

"It's alright I guess, Are you ok?" He asked,

Mei nodded and turned her heel before facing a smirk on Azula's face.

"You lose."

The small house was almost over flowing with water, caused by the multiple leaks on the roof.

Nuan's mother tried to take a nap before a drop or two splashed onto her eyelid, waking up and realizing the situation she grew frustrated and shouted out to her son-in-law from her room.

"Kahn! How many times did we have to tell you to fix these holes before it rains!".

Kahn flinched and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Heheh... sorry, I keep forgetting,"

Omi giggled at him, she was helping placing buckets and bowls underneath the leakes. Nuan said that they could benefit all the water for washing clothes in the day.

She looked over her shoulder, Jiao was looking out the window, as if studying the weather and rain. Omi grew curious.

"Lao Jiao, could you tell me about water?" She asked sitting beside him,

"Water? water is a source for life-"

"I know that, but I mean... you've taught me a few things already about fire, and taught me about air benders and even mentioned earth benders... Water is an element, does that mean that there are water benders too?"

Jiao nodded and began to explain.

"You see, they are people known as the water tribe. They live in the south and north. The southern water tribe and the northern water tribe, there could be both non-benders and water benders. Like the air nomads, they are generally peaceful, although their bending could be strong and damaging if they're ever under attack.

History has been written that the ancestors of the water tribe have gain their power by the lion turtles. While living ontop of the turtles, they eventually learned by observing how the moon pushed and pulled the tides of the ocean. Thus, that is why the moon is their source of power."

Omi listened carefully to every word, She felt reeled into the history of the water benders, it was almost hypnotic. The water tribe learned their powers by spirits, instead of animals.

"Now, how about some meditation?" Jiao chimed through Omi's thoughts.

"Oh no," Nuan interrupted.

"I've said it once and I'll say it again, no fire bending in the house! besides with this weather, it'll be impossible for any fire to burn,"

A water drop fell from the roof and splashed on Jiao's forehead.

"See?" Nuan snickered as her father frowned.

Meditation isn't fire bending!

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