"You did this to Etsuko didn't you?" Kino asked as she stepped forward as she tightened the grip on her staff. The woman placed one hand over her chest with the other on her hip.

"Guilty as charged."

"It's bad enough you threaten her life, hurt my children, go after Hakuoh, harm the other guilds, but now you've turned the clocks back on Etsuko?! What is your goal?!" Kino exclaimed in anger as she clenched her hand around her staff tightly, almost breaking it in her small hand. The woman smirked as she looked at the angry guild masters and the scared Mages standing behind them.

"The power of the human child born from an Akuma of course." The woman spoke as she pointed her long pointy finger at Hakuoh, who stepped back with a gulp as sweat ran down her cheek. Yukichi and Kaisai stood in front of Hakuoh with frowns on their faces. Yukichi's marks were glowing and Kaisai had hers visible.

"How would you find them through Hakuoh? The human child of the first Akuma would be dead by now and there are no other human children bread by a full-blooded Akuma." Yukichi explained in a serious tone as she stared at the woman with a cold glare. Kaisai clenched her fists as flames surrounded them.

"Why would you want the human child of an Akuma anyway? They don't hold any special powers." Kaisai stated in a serious tone as her horns and markings began to glow like Yukichi's did. The woman in front of the blinked, soon tears forming in her eyes. She then suddenly burst into laughter as she held her stomach, tears streaming down her face.

"You're telling me you don't know what powers the human child of the Akuma Lady holds? Don't make me laugh. I suppose Full blooded Akuma's aren't that wise after all." The woman explained through her laughter. She soon calmed down however as she stood up straight, smirking at the Akuma's still. "I think you children need to brush up on your Akuma history. Go hit the books." The woman ordered as she moved both her arms out. All of a sudden Kaisai and Yukichi were thrown at the walls into a book shelf each.

"Yukichi! Kaisai!" Lucy gasped as she and Wendy ran over to Yukichi while Emiko and Yukino ran over to Kaisai. All four girls were in worry, however before they could reach the demons, they were suddenly thrown into the wall as well. Yukino, Emiko, Lucy and Wendy all hit the floor while Yukichi and Kaisai were on the bookshelves still. All of a sudden some sort of shadow covered the two and pulled them against the walls.

The woman smirked as she saw Yukichi and Kaisai struggling. The shadows went around their necks, taking the air away from them. They gasped for air as they struggled, however, the more they struggled, the tighter the shadows were on them. A shadow suddenly covered the woman. She stopped smirking and looked up to see Natsu with a Fire Dragon Iron Fist. The woman looked terrified at the look in Natsu's eyes.

It was dark... Full of hatred for the woman.

She suddenly rolled to the side as Natsu hit the ground. He ended up breaking the bar side, having small pieces of wood fly around him from the contact of his fist. He looked at the woman who had sweat run down her face. The woman turned her head to Hakuoh, who frowned at her. She smirked as she suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Hakuoh.

"I don't know how you're related to the Human child of the first Akuma, but you will take me to them." The woman said as she pulled her arm back. She went to grab Hakuoh with her other arm, however, Hakuoh flinched back and put her arms up, making a shield appear in front of her as she stepped back. The woman growled lowly and suddenly she was hit back. She rolled onto the ground and into a table. When she looked up, she found it was Gray with his Ice-Make: Ice Cannon.

The woman continued to growl to herself as she looked around. Emiko, Yukino, Lucy and Wendy had gotten up. Emiko and Yukino were trying to help Kaisai break free with the help of Akihito, Yuuji, Romeo and Jinsune while Lucy and Wendy went to help Yukichi with the help of Kiyomi, Naomi and all of the exceeds.

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