Chapter 7: Talks, sector seven

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Chapter 7

We were riding in the car and i was zoning out when i felt somthing on my leg. I looked up and saw Mr. dumbutt's had on it. ' Oh hell na! ' My eyes glowed and i lifted my leg and smashed my foot into his nose and you could literly hear a " crack " mr. dumbutt was about to say somthing he was going to regret when the beeper went bazerk and i smirked.

Thats when the car smashed into somthing then we went waitless and then smashed into the earth. oh yay and the car roof was gone and replaced with blinding lights. "Taking the children was a bad move said a deep and awesome voice. kaiya couldn't help but smile. " Hey O.P." she quikly got out and ran over to the open hand( giant mind you) and hugged the thumb. "Hey oppi" " hello sparkling " kaiya looked down and saw sam talking to dumbutt an she notinced bee sneaking up behind them and pulled somthing and started to..... pee on him!?!?!?!

Kaiya burst out laughing then got her_don't_ mess_ with_ me_ or_ you'll_ never_ see_ the_ light_ of_ day_ again_ look. She stalked strait up to him and said a cheery voice that made Sam pale visibly and everyone saw this and gave a questioning look.

She smirked

(Flash back)

5 year old kaiya was sobbing in her room because she was acused of somthing she didn't do. Aparently she had scratched daddy's new car, but she knew who had done it, Sammy. he was going to pay. Her sobbes soon became evil laughter as she plotted against her brother, He didn't even relize he had just made a deal with the devel himself.

The next day kaiya skipped up to her brother and said in a cheery voice " Hey sammy cane you come with me for a moment? He looked at her and then shugged "sure" she led him outsid eand handed him mommy's one of a kind china plate then told him to stand by the back door. " Ok what n-, he never finished his sentence because before he knew it he was upside down and the a loud "CHASH" was heard.

Mommy came outside and saw her china plate in peices and saw her angle playing with her toys and her son on the ground next tot the china plate. She sceamed "SAM WITWICKY GET YOUR BUTT UPSTAIRS NOW AND DON'T COME DOWN TILL DINNER AND NO TV TIME FOR A WEEK!!!!!"

Sam was up stairs in his room misty eyed when he heard evil laughter then heard his lil sisters voice say in a dark but cheery voice that sent chills down his spine, " you make a deal with the devel... make shur you know when you do, that there will be hell to pay." then she said in a more girly voice " bye bye"

(flashback ended)

Then kaiya raises her hand and slapes him across the face" Thats for my family" then you punch him" Thats for touching my leg" when she said that part she saw ratchet's eye twitch, Finaly she kneed him where the sun don't shine"And thats for everything else!" She walked back to Oppi with a content smile on her face. All the autobots satires wide eyed at her. She heard jazz whisper to ironhide "lets neva get on lil' ladies bad side."Kaiya chuckles" ya I think that would be best" the two stared a her with wide eyes.

Before she knew it they were under a bridge and hanging on to Optimus. Mikaela started to slip and her and Sam started to slip as well. She gave her optimus one more..... Say what!!!!!

Optimus is not HER Optimus right?

As they were falling she felt a giant hand and she a familiar face.( She sees bee as a older brother ) She was smiling but that all disappeared when she was ripped away from him. "NO BUMBLEBEE NO!!!!!" You sobbed as you were dragged away. You were pushed into a car. you looked out a window and your eyes caught the other hiding autobots and you gave them your most pitiful looked put they turned away. you laid your head down and sobbed before drifting off to sleep but whispered something. "bumblebee why didn't you save bumblebee!?"


All the autobots saw kaiya give them a look but they all just turned away with the glasses


Sorry for not writing for so long

Hope you like it

Peace to ma peeps




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