Chapter three: signal, sam and jail!!!!!

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Chapter 3:

Sam's prove(vary few proves in this story mostly third person)

Sam woke up to an engine but not just any engine his cars engine " Oh crap"
He ran to Kaiya's room and saw her bed empty then he remembered he had left her in the car!!!! she is Going to skin me alive! Sam ran out Side and yell to hi dad "Dad call the cops"

End prove

Kaiya woke up and found the car driving it self! Still half asleep she forgot the car was a live and says more moaned "the slag" the radio burst into life making her yelp in surprise "watch your language youngling!!? a man with a western accent said threw the speakers

"Yes sir" kaiya mocked the car shook with laughter. " Hey bumblebee what does sla..... Bumblebee interrupted her uh uh no lil' lady no more of that. When I heard that I laughed my butt off but fell onto the cars carpet "uhh" the car shook with laughter of shut up bee and whacked the seat with ma awesome wrench. bumblebee yelped in pain . "so mean" a voice said through the speakers

Kaiya settled down and thought for a moment then suddenly said " I wish i knew my real dad" Bumblebee was silent for a moment then said " I know him." Kaiya shot up and said " really!!" " Yes but i can't tell you who he is but what i can tell you is that he is coming" Suddenly bee stped and opened the car door. She got out and bee transformed into a robot and freaken robot!!

Then shot a blinding light into the sky that had a stange intagram in the middle of it. Without relizing it she started to speak " This message is to all Autobots who are out there from Soulsong sparks all i need to say is we are here, we are waiting ( i know its from the end of the movie but i was having writers block) Then Kaiya falls to the ground knockedout.

Bee's prove

Bumblebee was shocked he had just did the signal and sparks had just sent a message to his team . He gently picked the girl up and transformed and heard a vert familar girlish scream his optics zeroed in on his charge sam he zoomed to where Sam was and hit the dogs with the bulk of his wait Sam sceamed " Heres the keys, take 'em" then the police showed up and took sam away

"Uh Oh"

end prove

Auto bot prove( third person )

The auto bots got the signal and were about to go to the earths atmosphere when they heard a message
" This message is to all auto bots out there, this is soulsong sparks and all I'm here to say is we are here, we are waiting."

All the auto bots were shocked they had just heard a young femme send a message to them but, ratchet was so happy that his sweetspark was alive.


When Sam got home from prison I went down stairs and got my newest baby my new blue wrench!!! When i got up to my room and who do i find my brother and the shaking rat. but thats not what got my blood boiling my dearest soon to be dead brother was touching my baby.MY WRENCH!!! All i saw was red. Oh sam i said in my most sweetest voice. My brother froze because when you hear my sweet voice you wisht that you could flee. It takes a lot to make me make me mad but no one and i mean no one touches ma wrenches!!

Sam slowly turned but befor he could say a thing he was throw on to the bed the springs sprung up from my bed and rapped around him tightly before i could grab a razor so i could shave off his leg hair( gross i know but it's so funny to see) Mom just had to walk in. For short she freaked out and that meant grabed the bat. i winced when she got out the bat there was hell to pay.I quickly undid sam and placed him on his feet. She gave me a scolding look but all i could say is " it's his fault he touched my wrench."

She shook her head and left when she left she i turned to sam and said in a low and deadly voice " i know where you sleep" He paled and noded and sprinted out my bed room door

I fixed my room not see one pair of blue eyes watching with shock an laughter then went into recharging promising never to get on kaiya/soulsong sparks bad side


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Hope you love

Peace to ma peeps




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