Chapter 5: Autobots

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Chapter 5:

the robot leaned down and spoke " are you Samuel archibal Witwicky?" Sam gulped "yay" no one saw except me of course glance at me then back to Sam.

As you know I am Optimus prime and this is my first lutenite designation jazz " sup little (sorry for language following the movie)bitches" "this looks like a cool place to kick it" he said while doing a back flip on to a already broken 'thank god' car. kaiya's eye twitched in anger "where did he learn to talk like that was my oh so smart brother asked but before Optimus could reply there was a loud clang and then a certain silver solstice's yelp in pain.

Everyone looked in surprise at kaiya who was holding her wrench with a glare at jazz who they saw was holding his foot in pain.

Optimus lightly smiled then went on.
"This is iron hide, the big black bot took out his cannons and spoke in a gruff voice " you feeling lucky punk"he pointed his cannons at Sam who gulped at the size of them. Kaiya glared at him then did what any sister would do.... she through her wrench at his head in anger it hit its mark dead center. "Slag it what was that for femme!?" he yelled but kaiya was not faced one bit "For threating my brother. optimus must of had enough and said "easy ironhide" "just wanted to show him my cannons " was his simple reply

"This is my cheif medical officer ratchet " ratchet sniffed the air and said " the boys fareimones suggest he wants to mate with the female" kaiya burst out laughing at the faces of her brother an mikeala.

After who knows how long we were going back to our house not knowing what was ahead.


I'm so sorry for not updating for awhile please forgive me

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Peace to ma peeps




More then meets the eye(transformers fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon