Chapter 8: Megatron, Allspark, SPARKLING

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Chapter 8

Kaiya woke up to find herself in a helocopter to find her bro, mikeala and two other random people. She sat up and suddenly everything came crashing down on her. The car. The fight. Bumblebee. Tears started to slip down her face. Oh god her sweet little bee. She was snaped out of her thoughts when a woman siad in a awesome austailian accent,"What are you in for?"

Sam said in a joking yet sarcastic voice" Bot a car, turned out to be an alien robot.... she finished for him in the same tone " who knew." she Looked out the window and gasped" No freaken way" when we got out of the helicopter . when i saw Mr. dumbbutt i stalked strait up up to him and roared (not literally) "Where the hell is ma bee!!!!"

A stinging sensation on my cheek. i growled and was about to punch him so hard. when an angry yell said" Did you just hit a defenseless child?!?!" Kaiya turned around to see a army dude storming tword us. 'his voice sounds familier' Then it her. "Your the guy that i saved with when I was 4 years old!" Everyone staired at her. She got a little uncompterible so she changed the subject"Where is my bumblebee!!" Dumbutt didn't answer" let me rephrase that, "where the hell is my bumblebee!" kaiya roared everyone jumped in fear the poop boy(summon's lil helper) we'll take you to your car"

We walk through some dank hallways and then enter a very, very, did I say very big room. and saw something we will not soon forget.

Kaiya gasps " No. Freaken. Way....."

There in all his scare your pants off glory was


I didn't realize they had stopes talking.
I stared at the mech fear slowly creeping in. someone touched my arm, I jumped. "Come on sparks"
We walked into a rooms and what I saw made me press against the glass
Then my very controlled patience snapped. I was stalked up dumbutt my power out of control.

( when I wrote that sentence was"Bullcrap")

The allspark

I roared "why do you have this here it should be with the autobots!!" But all he did was smirk witch made me want to ripp..... well you get the idea

We were locked into a room and there were claw marks." looks like Freddy cougar.....
Glen butted in" no Freddy cougar has four claw, that's wolverine, roar" glen laughed at his own joke
Epps not so much.

"Anyone got a cell phone, blackberries, iPods......" Dumbutt asked
Poor glen answered" I got a phone "
dumbutt put the Noki in the small glass box and heard him saw" Noki know the way of the sameri" or something like that. but cracked up when she heard Maggie whisper "Noki is from Finland " Dumbutt pressed something and the allspark reacted and sitting zapped the phone. She heard the familiar sound of something transforming.

"No freaken way.... again"

There in the glass cage was a tiny transformer, It started freaking and shooting it's red eyes scared She heard dumbutt mutter" like a energized bunny from hell" it banged it self on the glass wall and the glass cracked. when dumbutt wasn't looking I opened the lil door and put my phone in and snatched the lil robot out and hid it behind my back. to say I was said was a understatement, my phone was electrocuted. Te horror oh the horror. I looked at the lil robot, my mistake was dumbutt was still there and when he saw it he went cra cra.

But what shocked all of us was three things:

1. Its eye or optics were no longer red

2. It was rubbing while purring, yes I did say purring


3. It said something that made our eys widen and our mouths drop


Sam fainted, dumbutt choked and every one else was just staring

Kia would have found this funny under DIFFERENT sir instances but not this one. This is what she did:

"......................................................................... WHAT THE SLAG!!!!!!


I'm sorry for not updating for a while but I had a lot of school and hw

I'M SO SORRY!!!! \(>)_(<)/


Hope yo love it

Peace to ma peeps




More then meets the eye(transformers fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora