Chapter two:party, miles, and mikeala

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Chapter two:

When we got the Witwicky house Sam and I ran to his room but I was cautious because Sam has the little devil in his room A.K.A mojo the dog or rat as she put it.

When they got in his room i flopped on the bed with and "ooff" but right as I got on mojo decided to get a little to cozy

"Gaa!!!!" "Sam get your rat off my leg!!" but Sam wasn't listening so I flotted mojo off my leg and ran to out side to the Camaro and hopped on his hood.

She got the wrench out of her bag and started flipping it and decided she would ask the car a question even though she knew it wouldn't reply. Right?

"Hi I'm most Likely crazy but what's your name?"

There was a pause then it answered

"The..The name is bumblebee" kaiya yelped in surprise " whats......your name?" it said in a British accent

"Oh I'm kaiya sparks but you can call me sparks"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(means auto bots are talking)

Bumblebee froze 'sparks'( auto bot thought) he instantly contacted Optimus

-bumblebee to Optimus-

-what is it bumble bee?-

-just tell hatchet i mean ratchet that when he gets down to earth to be prepared-

-prepared for what?-

- I've found his little sparkling-

Optimus was in a stunned shock then replied -make sure it is her bumblebee and ratchet must find out on his own-

-yes sir-

-bumblebee out-


" Lets go sparks time to go" Sam shouted "k" when Sam came out he walked in the grass then his dad said" Sam I do not like foot prints on my grass" I snickered as sam got yelled at. When we started driving and then turned on to HIS road. "Sam no not his road you know what he says to me please no!"

But when we parked by his house kaiya literally flotted into the back of the car, Sam wasn't looking so the seat belt slitherd across kaiya and clicked in to place. Then the demon came out A.K.A. miles, Sam stupid friend and a total weido to me. When he got the car he smirked at me in a weird way that made me really uncompturable but to be on the salf side grabed the biggest wrench that she could find in her bag and made certain that he had a good veiw of it. to say the least his face exspecsion was a good sign that he got the message pefectly clear.

When we got the party we well we as in sam and miles while i sat on the roof of thre car still holding my wrench and to her shock and satifaction that a 14 teen year old girl could scare a huge car or what ever bee was.

She was snaped out of her thoughts because a certain jock called over and said " Hey gorgouse why don't you come over here and.... I cut him off and shot up and marched my way over there and with wrench in hand went next to his car and with everyone whatching even Trench's girlfriend i think her name is Mikeala with glaring eyes i smirked and did in my sweetest voice "Trent" Then BAM!!! it happend just like when they saw that Simba was a live from the lion king (don't judge me its a great movie) Trents big exspencive car now had a giant dent in it hood.

Kaiya walked calmly off but stopped when she heard " hey wern't you the guy who tried out for football last year?" " ya no i was writting a report." was my big brothers replie " Like what suking at sports" Thats it " i yell, my violet eyes glow brightly, turning around I threw my wrench with deadly accuracy.

Trent fell to the to the ground with a squeak grown as he wailed in pain. i picked up my beloved wrench and gradled it like a baby. Then I hissed in a voice I didn't reconize my self " "listen here you son of a glitch stay away from my spark sibling or so help primus you will go to the darkest part of the pit." I growled

I blinked and my eyes go back to normal 'where had that come from

It sounded like a man and her voice mixed and the mans voice sounded vary familiar and yet very odd and robotic '

(Again thoughts)

Not very far away a certain yellow mustang clicked off his recorder and contacted prime


~ bumblebee to Optimus ~

~ what is it bumblebee ~

But what they didn't know that a certain medic was listening in on the conversation because he had noticed that the scout had been reporting a lot lately so he decided to find out what was so important.

~ Prime it's her, here listen~

~ ratchet was about to turn off his comm thinking this was a waste of time but froze when he heard a voice that he never thought he would here again.

~ Listen here you son of a glitch stay away from m spark sibling or so help me primus you will go to the darkest part of the pit!" the femme growled ratchet couldn't believe it his sweats park was alive. He decided to listen to the rest of the conversation

~ Thank you bumblebee keep watch over her we will be there in a few earth days~

~ bumblebee out~


Mean while on earth kaiya sat in the back of bumblebee. While Sam and miles argued about mikeala, bumblebee was no help because he was siding Sam on this one

When we drove away from miles we drove up beside mikeala and Sam asked a question that made me want to pass out and that is what I did but I did it ninja like making I was almost inviable. But woke up to Sam saying " you know your more then meets the eye " and heard mikeala say good night. we got home but Sam has seem to have forgotten about me and Locked the doors!!! oh well

" Good night bee"

" Good night sweetspark he said through the radio and with that fell asleep.


Finilly finished with the fraggan chapter!!!!!!hope you love it !!!!!!!

Keep reading if you want more action with the auto bots....... That sounded wrong........ You guys know what I mean




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