Chapter 4 | A Drunk Prankster Told Me

Start from the beginning

"How many did you get?" Bellamy asked Luke.

I rolled my eyes at them remembering they counted the number of girls they could kiss at the amusement park they went to. And since it was the first day of school they challenged each other again.

"30 up till now" Everyone laughed at him. I guess it was...typical.

He was player. He had never committed to anyone from what Brianna told me. Chris and Harry did have a fair share of girls but they settled down since its the last year of school.

"How many did you do?" I asked Bellamy who hasn't said anything to Luke unlike that day at the amusement park.

"I'm a bad boy not a player." He smirked at me.

"Well it didn't seem like that the other day." I said raising an eye brow.

"I was having fun but are you jealous?" Bellamy looked at me in the eyes. Moving close to me as he did.

I leaned back and rolled my eyes at him and turned to the gorgeous pizza that was in front of me.

"Definitely jealous," He mumbled loud enough so only I could hear it. I kicked his leg but kept an innocent smile on my face. So only he knew what happened when he yelped.

Brianna looked around the cafeteria then turned to Bellamy, "Bel, what happened to that prank of yours?" She lowered her voice and leaned forward.

He smirked at her question, "You'll see in a while".

She nodded her head and went back to eating her lunch. I wonder what happened.

"There she is!" Bellamy pointed at a girl. She was boney and had platinum blonde hair. She walked down the hall as if something uncomfortable were stuck inside her with her thighs clipped together. It was in no way a cat walk. She had two other girls behind her.

She walked towards the middle of the cafeteria which was where our table was and stopped. She had a green color on her forehead and around her neck too.

She stomped her foot dramatically on the ground and shouted "WHO DID THIS TO ME!".

Since whatever was up with her didn't make sense everyone just looked around a whispered. Everyone on my table was trying their best to hold back their laugh.

Was I the only one oblivious to what happened?

Brianna got up and walked towards her. She pulled that huge hat off of her head which revealed neon green hair underneath.

"Are you talking about this?" Brianna said, stuffing the hat into the girls chest.

Everyone gasped and laughed at the girl.

Eliza leaned towards me giggling, "That's Bellamy's ex-girlfriend and former cheer leading captain, Mandy." I looked at Mandy again and this time I laughed harder than before.

I patted Bellamy on his shoulder saying "Good job". He gave me a cheeky smile in return as he snickered with other jocks. High fives and cheers.

Mandy stood there humiliated as people made fun of her. Heck, even the geeks went all out to laugh at her. She glared at Bellamy who smirked at her and she turned around stomping out of the cafeteria.

Then a thought came to me, did the bad boy get this idea from Hannah Montana because I swear I saw something like this in it.

"Where and how did you do that?" I whispered into Bellamys ear.

"I asked a drunk prankster what to do. It was so worth the arrest." he added, smirking. "And that drunk prankster would be Harry, by the way."

English was right after lunch. Since all of us were in this class we took no time in going there. We sat in the last two rows of the classroom. The board had Mrs.Goodwin written on it in bold letters. Surprisingly enough Mrs.Goodwin herself dressed boldly too. She was in her early thirties probably, had a petite figure who wore a yellow dress that blended with her weirdly dyed blonde hair.

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