rap #2

741 73 16

Fandom Rap Battle

Leo vs Percy


Son of Poseidon? You can kiss my ass

I can out rhyme you any day with elegance and class

Water has to bow down to fire
So that means you, are you up for hire?

This is Leo McShizzle
You're just a lazy drizzle

I'm bad
You're mad
I'm cool
You're fool


Listen up fire guy maybe you hadn't heard
But you girl was with me before singing to the birds

You say you want me to be up for hire?
At least I didn't put New Rome on fire

I have class. I have sass.
You're crass. Can I pass?

I'm Persassy bitch, you're the guy who works

Maybe one day you can feel the perks

That day's not today so you better run
Because I'm Percy Jackson and I'm Posei-done


Drsnééé! Tak? Za kým stojíte? Já za Persassym protože uznejme to. HE HAS THE BEST LINES!   

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