Dan sighed. "I'm never going to live that down, am I?"

       "Nope," Destiny said.

       "Great. Just great."

       Everyone sat down at the table and Dan set Anastasia down on a playmat set up for her before he sat down at the table beside Destiny.

       "So, Horatio, how's your new job?" Grandpa asked as we all began serving food onto our plates.

       "Good so far," I said. "Nothing really interesting yet, except for a few drug possessions and public fights, which is good, because I don't want anything bad happening."

       "You guys like living in Spruceworth?" Grandpa asked.

       "Yeah, definitely," Mom said. "It's a nice break from the big city. We don't have to drive around everywhere. We just have to walk there, and it's a great change from always being stuck in traffic."

       "I don't even know what traffic is," Grandpa said. "I've lived her all my life."

       "I'm sure you've been to the city before," Dad said.

       "Yes, but not enough to experience traffic," Grandpa said. "Besides, why leave the village when you have everything you need? So, Kenny, how's school so far?"

       "It's good," Kenny said. "The classes are a lot smaller, which I love. It's less loud."

       "Ariella told me you're in the play at that your audition was amazing," Destiny said.

       "Uh, yeah," he said. "Yeah, I thought I'd give it a try. I miss acting."

       "You never told us you were in the play," Mom said. "What is the play?"

       "Oh, it's an original one Dan's mom wrote with the help of Destiny's best friend," Kenny said.

       "Her very beautiful best friend," I said.

       "Horatio," Mom said in a warning tone.

       "What? Ariella is beautiful."

       Mom just sighed and shook her head before looking at Kenny. "So, what's the play about?"

       "Just....teenager things," he said. "Issues like parents divorcing, failing classes, partying....Stuff like that."

       "Who do you play? What's his story?"

       "His story?"

       "Well, every character has a story. And if your audition went amazing, then you obviously have a major role, not a side role. So, what is your character's story?"

       Kenny was definitely not liking all the questions.

       "Oh, just some relationship struggles."

       "Aren't you playing Deacon?" Dan asked. "You know, the guy who's a cl--" He stopped when Destiny kicked his leg under the table. Luckily, Destiny knew both Kenny and I well enough to know when one of us was trying to hide something, which Kenny was doing.

       And because she was Dad and Mom's niece, she definitely knew that they probably wouldn't agree with the character Kenny was playing.

       "Sorry, my leg slipped," Destiny said. "And yes, Kenny is playing Deacon, the guy who's claustrophobic."

       ....Nice save.

       "That's oddly specific," Dad said.

       "Yeah, it plays a role in his relationship arc," Destiny said. "It's hard to explain, but it does." It was always the theatre kids who were the best liars.

       Mom just nodded. "So, how is everything with you, Destiny?"

       "Great," Destiny said. "Except for the part where both Dan's exes hate my guts because they're crazy. I swear, he has a thing for crazy girls. Except me. I'm not crazy."

       Dan sighed. "Never. Will. I. Live. This. Down."

       "Live what down?" Mom asked.

       "Oh, well you know how Dan and I were broken up for a few months, right?" Destiny asked and Mom nodded. "He had a girlfriend, Vanessa. She was sweet for a bit, but then she went crazy and even went as far as telling Dan to choose between her and Tasie, so Dan--"

       "Don't say it," Dan said. "I feel bad enough, and nobody is letting it go."

       "Ooh, can I say it?" I asked.

       "What? No," Dan said. "Nobody say it."

       "Yeah, whatever," Destiny said before looking at Mom. "Dan did something he vowed he would never do. He cheated on Vanessa."

       Dan groaned and rested his head on the table. "I regret it."

       Destiny rubbed his shoulder. "It's okay. There, there."

       Dan looked over at Destiny. "I don't know why you find it so amusing. You slept with another girl's boyfriend."

        "....Well, that's not nice."

       "Ooh, drama," I said. "Keep going."

       "No," Dan said. "No drama. I have to deal with Calvin talking about drama all the time. I don't need another person doing that."

       "But drama is the best," I said. 


Drama is the best and it's totally the theatre kids that are the best at lying. cx At least, in my experience it is. My brother and I are the theatre kids in my family and we're totally the best liars.

AND CALVIN, MY CHILD, I STILL LOVE YOU. (idk if i said im not confirming any more safeties; calvin is not going to be a victim. i cant hurt my child)

Ooh, and if you're confused about the whole Dan-Destiny-Vanessa drama, I explained it on my profile, and there will be a short story about it because it means more drama. :D

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