Chapter 7: Maid Of The Mist

Start from the beginning

"I just can't believe we're here Stu! Aren't you just excited?" A woman next to me squealed to a man at her side.

"Thrilled, dear," he chuckled, watching the first boat.

She rolled her eyes and looked at me. Her gaze shifted between Logan and I and she beamed happily, "You two are the youngest honeymooners I've ever seen! Congratulations!"

"What? Oh! No," I laughed embarrassedly and waved my hands at her, "We're not- it's not that- uh, we're just, uh..."

"Friends," Logan finished for me, looking cheeky.

"Oh! My mistake," the woman giggled and held out her hand, "I'm Rena."

"Eva," I smiled, shaking her hand. Logan introduced himself and we all turned at the sound of a loud horn.

"Group two please come take your seats! There's ponchos hanging for every seat, I suggest you put them on," a cheery young woman said as she stood on the railing of a docked boat.

I grabbed Logan's wrist and made sure we were near the front.

"Enjoy," the woman said as I handed her our tickets.

I dragged Logan all the way up to the top portion of the boat. We picked our seats and I looked at the blue plastic...coat looking thing hanging by it.

"It's a poncho," Logan laughed, putting his own on.

"What for?" I raised an eyebrow.

"So you don't get soaked," he said, pulling mine over my head. He pulled up the hood and tucked my hair in.

"Your camera waterproof?" I asked, looking at Logan's camera at his chest.

He flashed me a grin, "I didn't spend four months working at a logging company for nothing. It's got everything I could pay for."

"Good, because I want some pictures for my journal," I said excitedly and clipped my seat belt.

"Here we go folks! Niagara Falls is part of-..." the woman began to twitter on about facts on the falls, but I couldn't listen. I was far to excited for trivia.

The boat had shoved off and I was eager to get to the base of the falls. I looked out over the flowing water the boat seemed to coast over and grinned. I couldn't believe I was actually here.

Destination one was actually happening. I was really doing this. And I didn't regret a thing like I thought I would.

"Alright guys, it's about to get really loud here in a little bit as we near the falls so please follow all the safety regulations because if you fall overboard, chances are the rest of us won't hear a thing," the woman chuckled and got everyone to laugh with her.

Logan readied his camera and I gripped the wet railing excitedly. The boat got closer to the monstrous torrents of water falling. They cascaded over rocks and the whole image created a huge flume of water.

"Splash zone!" The woman's radio said faintly.

People cheered and hollered as we all began to get sprayed in the face. The water was cold but enjoyable.

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