Chapter 1

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            It always seems to be the same thing, we laugh, we cry, and then we make up and move on. Sure, Brandon and I have had our fair share of fights, but nothing has ever been too serious. We made a pact when we were kids, before we knew what love was, to always love each other and push through hard times. It’s funny how we can decide who we are going to love when we are so young, yet it is so hard once the time comes to go after that person.

            “Are you ready?” Brandon asked from behind me. His green eyes looked so innocent just under his dark hair. He slid his masculine arms around my torso and kissed my neck. My long dark hair was pulled to the left and dripped over my shoulder.

            “Almost, love.” I said gazing at him through the mirror. In an attempt to quicken my pace I grabbed my lip gloss and dabbed it on. Once finished, I gave myself a promising look in the mirror and turned to him and continued; “Now I am completely ready.”

            Tonight I was in an unusually giddy mood, and so was Brandon. Maybe it was because I was anticipating the upcoming party tonight. It had been a while since I relaxed and had a little fun.

            I am 22 years old, and I am currently working on my Degree in Physical Therapy at Belmont U. in Nashville, Tennessee. Brandon, me and our best friend, Jared, mover here about a year ago and have been neck deep in books almost every night since. But if any one where to ask me, I don’t regret it, because I know for a fact it will play a big help later on down the road.

            Getting up to walk out of our room, I realized I needed my shoes, so I walked over to my closet, and dug around for just the right pair. Finally I came across a pair of silver sparkled shoes. For a moment I looked at them with a half crooked smile on my face. These were the shoes I wore to homecoming my senior year. The memory quickly put a smile on my face and I nudged it off, and walked over to the bed to put them on.

            Once finished, I stood up and walked to our full length mirror on the side of my closet, to see me standing there, almost five inches taller, in a short, low cut, deep royal purple dress. The dress too was glooming with sparkles, which really made my green eyes stand out. I gave myself another promising look and smiled as I looked at myself from head to toe and back up.

            Just then, Brandon walked through the door, at leaned against the door post. “Ma’am, would you mind giving me your autograph?” He said with a smirk on his face.

With a questioning look on my face, I looked at him. “Excuse me?” I asked, not knowing what he meant by that.

            He stepped toward me and put his arms around my waist again. “Aren’t you a super model?” He asked, and then continued, “Or am I mistaking you for someone else?” He said stretching a smile across his beautiful face.

            I wrapped my arms around his neck in return to his gesture. “I will be whatever you want me to be, love.” I concluded as I kissed him on his cheek. When I pulled back to look at him, I remembered I was wearing lip gloss when I saw it on his face. Instead of wiping it off or laughing at him, I gave him a smirk and walked out of the door. “Now let’s go, we are going to be late.” I playfully commanded.

            Although I knew I still had almost thirty more minutes to get ready, I decided to leave early, because I wanted to get there to put up a few last minute decorations for Jared.

            As I came to the living room, Jared was buttoning up the sleeves on his white button up shirt. No, he isn’t my boyfriend, but he did look very handsome. He isn’t the kind to dress up all that often, but when he does, he looks very nice.

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